Chapter 12

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Kendall's POV

"Awe.. come here bud.." i smile and pick up Zeppelin and strap him into the double stroller next to his sister, Arrow. I pushed the stroller into the living room where Mum, dad, Max, JJ, Tom, Shep, Odette, Uncle Jared and Auntie Gen where waiting for me. We are going to the park. Play on the playground run around the grass and have some fun. "Let's go!" i smiled and we all walked out the door. "I'm on the slide!" i yelled and climbed up the slide and slid back down. "Football come on!" Dad yelled and started to run away with uncle Jared beside him. I was a couple feet away from them both, Max we in time with me and when i had enough strength i caught up to them tackling dad down to the floor.

"Yeah!" i cheered and took the football out of his hands and got up again and ran to the end of the field. "Crap! your so fast freaking fast!" Jared said out of breath, I nod also out of breath "Shit! me too! i'm hot now" i say and take my shirt off revealing my sports bra. "Ooh!" Max smirked and kissed me "Woah! save the sex for later" Dad joked "Oh shut up" i say making us all laugh. "Last one to the swing is a loser!" i call out as i have a head start to the swing set "Not fair!" Max yelled out as the three boys ran after me. "Shit!" i breath out and collapse to the ground "Too much running!" i exclaimed.

After lying on the grass for a few minutes I get back up and get on the swing set. "Hey dad?!" I questioned "Yeah Kiddo?" He replied "Next week for JJ's birthday Max and I are dressing up as Cas and Dean.. I'm Cas and Max is Dean" I smirked then continued "And I need the outfits from set so we can wear them.. pretty please!" I begged "Sure thing Kiddo.. I'll get it delivered here" he laughed "Oh and the first blade and the angel blade..." I added "Anything else?" He smiled "Yeah! The impala would be amazing" I joked.


 "Max and I are going out on a date" I smile widely as I walked into the living room, holding Max's hand

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"Max and I are going out on a date" I smile widely as I walked into the living room, holding Max's hand. I had taken a shower because I was all sweaty and put on a pink, cropped sweater with light wash, denim ripped jeans and adidas all stars. "Where are you guys going?" Dad asked "The movies.. you can stop stressing over nothing, we're not going to a party" I chuckled "Okay.. don't stay out too late it's a school night!" Mum called out just as we walked out the door.

*At The Movie Theatre*

"Two tickets to 'Guardians of the galaxy 2' please" Max smiled and paid for the tickets. We went crazy on the snacks and candy. And by the end of the night I'll be high on a sugar rush. "Kayla!" That same dopey voice called out "Just ignore them.." Max whispered and i nodded my head "Hello!? I'm speaking!" Jason and his dick ass friends then blocked our path "What Jason.." I sigh and look up at him considering his like a tall building to me. Well any guy is like a tall building to me since I'm a short ass. "What movie are you seeing?" He smirked "Guardians of the galaxy.. why.." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh! Well now us too.. let's all sit together shall we?" "How about you all fuck off and leave us the fuck alone.." I was starting to get really annoyed and frustrated with Jason because I just want to have a day out with my boyfriend. "Come on! We're going to have an amazing time" he laughed and slung his arm around my shoulder, pushing me forward so I'm in front of Max. "Let me sit with my boyfriend!" I exclaimed and wriggled out of his grip and sat down. That was pointless though because Jason still sat down on the other side of me. "Let me know if you're uncomfortable and we will leave straight away okay?" Max whispered.

I nodded "Of course" "Awe! Look at us! Sharing secrets" Jason whispers then smirked "Shut up man!" Max said "Shh! The movie is starting!" He completely ignored Max and turned towards the screen that was in front of us.


Nearly halfway through the movie of course Jason has to make me super uncomfortable by putting his hand on my thigh and rubbing my thigh up and down. I tried turning the other way, crossing my legs, everything and his hand still was glued to my thigh. I also tried to pry his hand off with my own hand but he was way stronger than me. He wouldn't let go. I was really starting to get scared. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. "You like that?" Jason whispered as his hand was moving more and more north if you get what I mean. And he wouldn't stop. By now he undone my button and unzipped the zip of my jeans and inched his hand down.

"Stop it!" I abruptly stand up and throw my drink over him "What the fuck, bitch!" He yelled "Let's go.." I mumbled and held Max's hand and pulled him out of the cinema and to the car "What happened baby?" He asked "This happened!" I replied, pointing to my unzipped pants. "Oh my god.. babe.." Max breathed out and engulfed me into a tight hug "Those assholes! Why did you let him do that! i'm gonna beat his ass!" he yelled and turned around to run back inside and beat Jason up "Baby! no! leave him he's not worth it.. i promise i'm fine" Max looked at me unsure but nodded slightly and we drove off.  

I wasn't okay. 

I was still shaken up. The tears didn't stop flowing and my hands were still shaking badly. As we walked through the front door uncle Jared and aunt Gen were still here. I'm not complaining at all they are the best people ever and i love their company. "Hey guys.. your home early..." dad trailed off and looked at us as worry washed over his face "Crap.. are you alright Kiddo?" dad asked and rushed to me. Soon everyone else came rushing up to me. All i did was hug him tightly and let all my emotions out. "Sweetheart.. you have to tell us what the hell happened, who did this to you?" mum questioned.

"Jason.. he was at the cinemas with us and  it so happened that he and his dick friends we're seeing the same movie as us and sat right next to Max and i.. Halfway through the movie.." i took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a few seconds "He.. touch.. me" i say slowly. It was dead silent. Not a word was spoken, until dad broke the silence. He went all ape shit crazy. "Who the hell is Jason and where is he?" dad asked "His a dumb dick jock from Ken's school.. he crushed the samulets she made for JJ's birthday and i set him straight" Jared mumbled, loud enough for us to hear him. 

"Son of a bitch.." dad murmured "Is he still there? at the cinemas?" he added "Yeah probably.." i nodded "Let's go.. Jared, Max and i will go there and beat the living shit out of him" dad grumbled.

*Back At The Movie Theater*

"Where is that little fucker?"

"There.." i mumbled and pointed over to Jason and his friends. They were at the candy bar trying to get other girls' numbers and harass them. "You!.. yeah! you!" dad yelled "Are you Jason?" "Yeah.. who the hell is asking" Jason replied. Dad's hand connects with Jason's jaw making Jason stumble and fall to the ground. Jason's friends ran towards Jared and Max, all three of them against five. I just stood there watching from a distance. "Did you touch my daughter inappropriately?!" Punch after punch after punch. It never ended. 

And Jason deserved it. I didn't feel sorry for him at all. "Yeah.. i did" he smirked, more punches "She was all over me first!" Jason yelled "Oh bullshit Jason!" i yelled back "I had to sit there and i couldn't do anything about it!" i added, more tears than before were flowing freely "Hey! hey! hey! stop!" the manager says "Leave! before i call the cops! now!" Dad let go of Jason's collar. They all laid there almost lifeless. There was blood on the floor, on their clothes, hands and knuckles. Blood everywhere. We walked back to the car with all eyes on us watching us walk out of the place. For sure loads of people have recorded this fight and uploaded to any type of social media they have. 

We got back into the car and i dozed off in Max's lap on the drive home.

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