Chapter 52

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Kendall's POV

"Babe i'm so freaking nervous!" i exclaimed "About what? there is absolutely nothing to worry about" Jason reassures me "It's just lunch with your parents" he adds "Yeah! my REAL parents!" i raised my eyebrows "Come on sunshine.. it's been 2 months since you've meet them for the first time and all they want to do is get to finally sit down with their actual daughter and get to know you better.. now go and get dressed, they've come all the way from Nebraska to see you.. their coming in an hour" he pushes me up the stairs and i walk into our room. "Is this to much?" i asked Jason as i was walking down the stairs "No baby, not at all.. you look stunning as always" he smiles and kisses me. 

"I feel like i'm showing too much skin.. am i showing too much skin?" i question "Your 24 for god's sakes, not 42.." he chuckles "Yeah but i'm also a mum and mum's don't show this much skin" i over exaggerate "Your still so young baby! show your skin off! especially to me" he smirked "Your right" i nodded my head and the doorbell rang "I'm still young" i repeated to myself as i opened the door. "Hi Michelle and Nick" i smiled at them as they smiled and said 'Hi' back. Jason comes up to the door and snakes his arm around my waist "Hi Michelle and Nick" Jason greets "Hello Jason" they say back. 

"Jack is upstairs in his crib playing with his toys.. i've feed him so he should be fine for a few hours until i come back and if you need me for anything ring me and i'll be right over" i ramble on "Babe! i'll be fine.. i've looked after JJ and the twins multiple times, i think an 8 month old won't make a difference" Jason chuckled. "Okay.. i'll be back in a few hours" i smiled and kissed Jason then left with Michelle and Nick in their car. We went to a coffee shop called Seventh Flag Coffee, that i suggested we go to. It's one of Aunt Gen's many favorite coffee places. We ordered our coffee and food then sat down at one of the tables on the patio, outside. 

It was silent for a while, just eating our food and drinking our coffee then Michelle spoke up. "How did you and Jason meet?" she asked "He went to my high school.. at first he and i wanted nothing to do with each other and i was in a relationship with one of my best friends at the time, we were together for a year at the time of our senior prom we had a fight and took a break so i went to prom with my family, Jensen and Danneel, Gen and Jared and Misha and i.." "Anyways as it was coming to the end of the night Max which was my previous boyfriend and i broke up and Jason admitted his feeling towards me and we kissed and here we are 8 years later happy and engaged with a beautiful 8 month baby boy" I smile and take a sip of my coffee.

"Sorry to change the subject but who are those people? They keep on staring at you.. and they have their phones out" Nick pointed behind me and I followed his gaze. Fans were also taking photos of me and giggling and smiling with each other. "Fans" I replied as I smiled and waved to them. "And they do this all the time?" I nodded "Oh yeah.. ever since I was 16 and brought into the Ackles family they always follow us and snap pictures of me and my family.. you don't mind if I go over there and take photos with them do you?" I questioned "No! Of course not.. go ahead" Michelle nodded. 

"Great thanks so much" I stand up and walk over to the group of fans that were standing in a group, a few metres away from Michelle, Nick and I. They were getting more and more excited as I walked closer and closer to them. "Not to be rude or anything but who are they, you were just with" one girl asked. "Oh uhh.. you all promise not to tell a single soul.. don't tell other fan girls, don't tell your friends, don't tell your parents and don't even tell your dog this okay?" we all chuckled at the last bit of what i said and they all nodded "They are my actual parents.. Michelle and Nick Waters, they wanted to have lunch with me and to get to know me better" i added. 

They all looked at me shocked, not saying a word "Wow.. when did you meet.. how did you meet? if you don't mind me asking" one of the girls asked "No! not at all! i'll answer any of your questions" i smile. "It was 2ish months ago on Christmas eve, my family and i went to Nebraska with Jason and his family to visit his grandparents.. i meet them as soon as i got there, i didn't take it very well.. i actually got pretty upset and mad and stormed off" "Another quick question.. do you mind if you quickly tell us why they, you know.. put you in an orphanage.. and what happened while you were there? We all know that this is a touchy subject for you to talk about and we totally respect the privacy of your personal problems if you don't want to talk about it.." 

That was 100% true. I've said it millions and millions of times that talking about my real parents and foster parents is a very, very, very sensitive subject for me to talk about but i somehow trust them with this. "They were only 14 when they had me.. i know, very, very young, they had no choice but to put me in this orphanage because they didn't know how to raise a baby.. they instantly regretted doing that after they left but it was too late. From the age of around 10 maybe 12, i was in and out of foster families and when i was 14 i was with this horrible foster family.. i've told everyone about this but they would not feed me.. not send me to school and they took my phone away so i had no contact with anyone whatsoever.."

"They did way more things to me as i already mentioned on instagram a few years back, i spent 2 and a half years with them and one night my foster mother told me that i couldn't go to that Supernatural convention in Seattle"

I took a deep breath and wiped the tears away from my eyes then continued.

"I worked 2 jobs and earned just enough money to buy that one ticket and i was not going to just sit on my bed and miss one of the most important nights of my life.. so i snuck out, i packed a bag full of food and some money and snuck out of my window. Being there was the best thing to ever happen in my life.. even though i was in the way back i still appreciated that my idols were still somewhat in front of me. They answered some questions and talked about the upcoming season, yadda, yadda, yadda and when the panel finished i get a text from my foster mum.. it specifically said "Get home now you ungrateful little bitch, you stole all my money to buy that ticket and snuck out to that f-ing convention"

"So she was accusing me of stealing her money when really i worked my ass off for a single ticket.. anyways, after that i ran out of the convention hall, bawling my eyes out.. eventually i feel a presence next to me and guess who it is.. Jensen fucking Ackles.. he was the most sweetest celebrity i've ever and only met, he invited me backstage while he finished his photo ops then we went back to his hotel room, and relax i slept in his bed while he slept in the other bed with fucking Misha!" we all laughed "Oh god.. look at me.. i'm a big baby" i sniffled and wiped my eyes. After i had taken all photos with everyone i finally made my way back to Michelle and Nick. 

We had some awkward talk as we finished our food and drinks then got back into the car in silence and drove home.

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