Forty Three

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I got up this morning with Nicki and we went to the grocery store.

"Get whatever you feel like you will want" I say.

"Meek what if I want fast food?" She asks.

"You better let me know before I lay down to go to sleep because I promise you I will not get up out of my sleep to get anything" I say.

"Are you serious?" She asks.

"No." I say. She smiles. Going around the grocery store took a minute. We ended up with two baskets of food and I had to ask for two lines to be closed for us.

"A lot of stuff. She pregnant?" A cashier lady asks.

"Yes I am" Nicki answers.

"Then I understand" she says.

"How far along are you?" Nicki asks.

"About five months. This will be my second child" she says. Nicki smiles.

"Awww" she says. The women had two of the cart people help me out the groceries up and I give her a $100 to keep. I felt like being generous and Nicki made me.

Going home I put them all up with Nicki and we figure out what we want for dinner.

"I think pizza" I say.

"Burgers and fries" she says.

"You trying to feed you or the baby? Mess around and get fat too quick Nic. And you got all these fruits and vegetables to even out home healthy meals for you and the baby. That doctors appointment was set for three Thursday's from now" I say.

"Meek you better be there for every appointment. Especially the sonograms and ultrasounds. Alla dat" she says laughing. I go up behind her and kiss her.

"I got you baby" I say. She smiles. "Have you told your mom yet?" I ask.

"No. I don't wanna tell her yet" she says.

"Why not? I told my mom"

"Meeek. Why would you do it so early?" She whines.


I was wanting to sit everyone down and tell them I was pregnant.

"I didn't think it'd be a big deal" he says. Sometimes I really just don't understand Meek.

"I wanted everyone to be together when I tell them" I say.

"That can still happen" he says.

"Ughhhh" I say going upstairs.

"Calm them hormones girl!" I hear him yell. I just go to lay down again. He came in a while later and gets in the bed with me.

"We can have a dinner for everyone this Friday" he says.

"That's fine I guess" I say.

"Come here" Meek says holding out his hand. I just move closer to him and put my hand in his. "What's wrong Nic?" He asks me.

"I don't have a explanation " I say to him. He chuckles.

"Just trippin over nothing" he says.

"Are you cooking?" I ask changing the subject.

"Yeah" he answers. "I'll make you burgers and fries since that's what you wanted" he says. I smile and kiss him.

"Thanks" I say.

"A nigga ain't had a kiss and you give me one when I give you some food" he says making me laugh.

"I'm sorry" I say. "I can't help it".

"I know" he says getting back up. "I'm about to finish cooking" he says walking out the room. As he cooks I call up my mom and let her know to be ready for a flight Thursday afternoon.

(1 hour later)

Meek calls me down to come eat and I ate every bit he had on my plate.

"Thanks baby." I say giving him a kiss after eating.

"You welcome" he says. His phone then rings when he puts his plate in the sink.


I let Nicki handle the dishes while I was on the phone.

"Meek I want to talk to you and Nicki tomorrow around 3." Reina says.

"Okay. You coming to my house?" I ask.

"Yeah" she says.

"We'll see you then" I say before hanging up. Nicki then stands in front of me.

"Who will see who when?" She asks.

"That was Reina. She said she wants to talk to both of us tomorrow" I say.


"I don't know but I hope it's something I wanna hear" I say. She puts her hands on my shoulder and leans down in front of me.

"Me too. The fact that she wants to talk to me" Nicki says making me laugh. I hold her by the waist and pull her into my lap.

"You full?" I ask her.

"For now" she says. "I'm sleepy" she says.

"Go ahead and lay down" I say.

"Didn't you wanna get ready and go to Philly?" She asks.

"You was willing to go now?" I ask.

"After packing yeah"

"Well I guess. " I say as we both stand. Going upstairs we go to pack a small bag and leave out to go to the airport.

What does Reina have to say?

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