Forty Two

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Getting up this morning I hear Nicki throwing up in the bathroom. After a while I hear the toilet flush and the sink water running.

"You aight?" I ask going into the bathroom.

"Do I sound okay?" She asks. I can tell she irritated.

"Baby I'm just checking on you" I say giving her a face towel. She takes it and wipes her face.

"I'm fine" she says and walks out.

"No you not. What you still mad about?"

"This Meek! The fact that I'm pregnant and you and me aren't even married!"

"Damn Nic you act like you wasn't apart of it. It take two people to get you pregnant and I ain't force you to have sex with me" I say getting upset. "And if you want to get married then I will marry yo crazy ass" I say and walk off.

"Don't say that just because I'm pregnant!"

"I'm not saying it just cause you pregnant! I love you and I been planning on marrying you. Just you getting pregnant was unplanned and if you think you the only one hurt you not. I already got too much shit to deal with right about now" I say. Nicki just stares at me then cries. "Oh shit" I say smacking my lips.

"I fucking hate you Meek! You don't even care " she says crying in her hands.

"Yes I do care" I say going up to her. I pull her into me. "I wasn't trying to knock you up anytime soon but I'm happy you're pregnant baby" I say as calm as I could. She pulls away from me.

"I'm just scared Meek" she says almost in a whisper.

"I'm with you and the baby" I say. "Okay?" She just nods her head and goes to lay down.

"I love you" she says.

"I love you too " I say. Walking out the room I call my mom and sit down in the living room.

"Meek where have you been boy?" My mom barks into the phone. I chuckle.

"Ma calm down. I've been taking care of some things. You got Papi?"

"Hell yeah I got my grandson. Your big headed ass cousin dropped his ass off and left without saying much anything" she says. I shake my head. I can tell she pissed cause she ain't stopped cussing.

"Ma guess what" I say.

"What is it Meek? And yo ass better not be in no trouble."

"Psh, the only trouble I'm in is with Nicki" I say. "She's pregnant".

"What? Little Nika is pregnant???" I laugh.

"Yes. She scared about it but I'm happy" I say.

"Awe. Who else knows?"

"Just her best friend and Omelly and now you. I don't know when she will tell her mom" I say.

"Awe. I have to cook for her." She says. I laugh.

"She sleep right now. She has morning sickness and all"

"Meek before we go any further into Nicki why did Papi get dropped off?"

"I've been trying to work through an agreement with Reina more and she slept at my place. I didn't sleep with her but Nicki came by and had a whole meltdown about everything and Reina was still trippin so I had Mel go get him and take him to your house"

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