Chapter 23

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Chapter 25

Jax POV:

Savvy had fallen asleep about an hour ago and I couldn't bring myself to wake her up never mind leave her alone. I decided to call the guys over to my place for a makeshift church in my kitchen.

The knock at my door never came as they were comfortable enough to walk in and make themselves at home.

Clay, Tig, Ope and I took seats at the kitchen table where as Chibs, Juice,Piney and Bobby grabbed seats on the counter top or on chairs dragged over from the living room. Half-Sack was standing and Jeff hadn't bothered to even show up. It wasn't the ideal chapel but for tonight we would make do.

"Jax and I have come up with some ideas that we think are our best chance at getting Savvy out of this without drawing too much heat. Henry is a really powerful guy so if this goes south were all fucked. So, it's optionally I understand if any of you wanna back out." Clay says but we all know its mandatory, even if any of the guys wanted to say no, which they wouldn't.

"No way brother, were all in." Ope answers for the rest of the guys and they simply nod their heads in approval.

"Good. So this is what we're thinking.........................................

Henry POV:

Those stupid biker fucks think they are so smart. The pictures of the dead body they are claiming are my son must be fake. They have to be, he's not dead, he can't be. I know I would have felt it if my son was gone. They must have the cops in this shitty town on their payroll. These pictures have to be fake. Mike is alive and they are just hiding him somewhere, torturing him. I will find him and when I do they will all pay.

The ringing of my cell phone stops my internal rant as I glance at the screen.

A Nevada number? I don't know anyone in Nevada...............................Mike.

"Hello" I answer slightly panicked

All that can be heard on the other line is heavy breathing.

"Who is this?" I ask with urgency.

More breathing.

"Mike?" And then I hear it a slight whimper and I know it it must be my son.

"I'm coming to find you son, hang in there!"

I hang up and call my connections with the FBI to pinpoint the location of the phone call.

I grab my keys and head to my rental on a mission to Nevada.

Jax POV:

"The plain in motion?" Chibs asks sitting beside me on the adjacent bar stool.

"Yup, gave Jury the call last night after church and told him to call at exactly noon today. He just called confirmed that Henry is on his way down." I say while a few of the others wander into the conversation.

"All we can do now is wait until we see if both of them take the bait." Ope says and we all nod our heads.

It was weird that we were taking out and enemy without the lift of a finger but it had to be this way. We couldn't draw any more heat to SAMCRO and this way was completely unexpected for Henry.

Marcus Alvarez POV:

"We just got some info about those puto SAMCRO guys." My V.P says storming into my office.

"What kind of info esse?" I ask taking a long drag from my cigar.

"A valued ally is on his way to Nevada.. alone. I say we take the white boy out." He answers.

"Call the Nevada charter tell them to take him out. Teach SAMCRO a lesson about torching our warehouse."

"Okay!" He says walking out.

"Good work mano." I add and nod at him.

Henry POV:

I'm almost half way to Nevada with the speed I'm driving at. I need to get to my son I need to save him and then kill all of those fucking white trash bikers.

My car is flying past all others, weaving in and out of traffic and any slow drivers. I avoided multiple accidents already and I can't risk anymore. I also can't get a fucking cop because otherwise I'm fucked.

All of the sudden I hear the roar of motorcycles and as I glance forward I see the dirt road I was travelling on his blocked off with a handful of bikers.

"Fuck." I say as attempt to back up and turn around but another couple of bikes immediately behind me.

I glance at the men quickly only to see they are not the Sons. The leather on there back say "Mayans" and I instantly recognize the name from all the background info I did. They were SAMCRO enemies. Perfect....... they could be useful to me.

I step out of the car cautiously and approach them with my hands on my head to show I am no threat.

"Brave of you to get out the car esse." A Mexican guy with a strong accent says to me.

"I have nothing against you guys." I say trying to lighten the mood by chuckling lightly.

Wrong idea......... The guy pulls out his gun and points it directly at me.

"Whoa, whoa! Don't shoot." I say but the gun is still pointed at me.

"You know the SOA?" He asks forcefully.

"Yeah, I know a lot-." I didn't get to finish suddenly it was all black and I felt like I was thrust into a dark hole.

At the bottom of that hole I saw Mike. He was really dead the whole time the Sons were fucking with me. They must have set this whole thing up and framed me to look like a friend so the Mayans would kill me.

My son was really dead and now I was too.

Jax POV:

"Jury?" I ask as I answer my phone that was ringing from a blocked number.

"We watched from a short distance, saw the whole thing go down. Alvarez pulled the trigger and took him out. They left right after marking him with the Mayan symbol. I checked the body myself, no heartbeat. We did it bro, he's gone." Jury informs me quickly.

"Glad, to hear it. Thanks for the help man, your charter is a great addition to the SOA. We owe you brother." I say throwing my cigarette to the ground of the rooftop.

"Anytime. Now you take care of that girl of yours, make sure she doesn't get into anymore trouble. She must be a keeper if she puts up with your ass." He jokes laughing lightly through the phone.

"I will and she is and even if I didn't want to keep her, Clay would chop by balls." I deadpan.

"Well treat her right and you can keep the crown jewels intact." He says laughing again but now deeper.

"Yeah yeah, thanks again man." I say and hang up.

I make my way down the rooftop steps back into the clubhouse that is filled with all of the guys.

"Boys......." They all gather around me awaiting my response.

"Did Jury call?" Juice asks impulsively.

"Alvarez took Henry out. Shot him right in the face. Jury confirmed.......... no heartbeat." I said and smiles and laughter filled the room along with loud cheers.

"And that's how its done!" Clay brags at the clever plan we successfully executed.

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