Chapter 22

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Savannah POV:

I look to Jax for an answer which he does not seem to have. My heart is racing and my palms grow sweaty in each passing moment. Although Henry has never harmed me physically like his son, I somehow fear him more. With Mike I somewhat knew what to expect. With Henry; all I knew was that he was ruthless and even smarter than his son.

"Is he here alone?" Jax asks never letting go of his tight hold on my hand.

"Seems like it. He just walked right on in, not even bothering to stay hidden. We checked if he's packing heat or any sort of weapon." Bobby informs us both.

"And?" I ask slightly impatiently.

"Nothing, he's clean."

"Where's Clay?" Jax asks pulling my hand leading me down the stairs of the rooftop.

"He had a meeting with McKeavey, no answer on his cell." Bobby adds once we finally step foot on the ground of the clubhouse.

"Get everyone out and bring him in the chapel." Jax says coldly and gestures for me to go with Bobby.

"He wants to talk to me." I say and try to make my way towards the chapel.

"I don't care what he fucking wants. Go with Bobby and don't let him see you." Jax says protectively.

"No Jax, this is my fault, my mess to clean up." I say struggling in his grip.

"Savvy just trust me. Bobby take her to my place and don't leave her sight, not even for a second understand?"

"Yeah of course brother. I'll have the prospect send him in when Savvy's out of sight." Bobby says as he gently takes my arm to pull me along, away from Jax.

I hold my ground with me feet firmly planted. Jax grumbles with annoyance at my stubbornness before he pulls me close to him.

"Just let me keep you safe. Please just for once do as I tell you and don't be stubborn about it." Jax says as he holds my face in his hands. His eyes are staring intensely through mine begging me to just listen to him and I can't help but do so.

"Fine." I say and he plants his lips on mine in a short kiss.

I walk towards Bobby and wrap my arm around his as he leads me out of the clubhouse. I turn back to look at Jax before I exit and he smiles.

"I'll be home as soon as were done." He reassures my uncertainty and I simply nod at him.

"Where is he?" I ask Bobby, curious at how he won't be able to see me leave at this very moment.

"Juice and Ope got him in the garage. Don't worry the doors are closed he can't see you darlin." Bobby assures as he escorts me on the ride to Jax's house.


Jax POV:

When I get the call that Savannah is safely off the lot, I instruct Half-Sack to bring Henry to me.

I sit at the head of the table as I wait for him trying my best to look as calm yet intimidating as possible.

I know if I get all defensive it will surely exhibit my knowledge of his sons death further.

The mid height, aged man walks in the chapel with a chip on his shoulder and a bump in his step. Looking like a smug, uptight jack-ass. His grey hair and dark brown eyes do not even come close to intimidating me and he takes a seat happily on the other side of the table directly across from me.

"I thought I requested the presence of you and a beautiful lady." He says smugly while smirking at me.

"We don't oblige to strangers requests. You want to talk to me, here I am but Savannah is out of the question. Now why don't you get straight to the point. What the fuck do you want?" I say Cooley but calmly as I send a sinister smirk right back in his direction.

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