Chapter 21

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Savannah POV:

Like normal Jeff has been distant. It's been a week since Jax told the guys about Mike's dad; Henry being in town and he has yet to check up on me. Not that I need to be babied and constantly babysat but it would be nice for my brother to see how I am handling another possible threat to my life. No such luck. That asshole has been held up in the prissy bitches (Noelles) condo for days. I've stayed with Jax and have been under constant supervision when hes not home. The prospect has been stationed here all day while the guys are working and I am not to leave the house. I'm going a little stir crazy and can't help but want out of the small confines of the house. I however have been instructed to call and ask if I can leave the house which is possibly the most annoying thing ever. I know it's all for my protection and I won't dare complain. I call Jax and see if he is back at the clubhouse, after three rings he picks up.

"Hey babe." He says and I can hear his smile through the phone.

"Hi, are you back at TM yet?"

"Just pulled in a few minutes ago."

"Okay, is it safe for me to bring you some lunch?" I ask sarcastically and emphasize the word safe.

"Yeah smart ass you can come here but take the prospect with you and be careful."He answers my sarcasm with a joking tone of his own.

"Always." I say and hang up.

-Trying to convince Half-Sack I was actually permitted to leave Jax's house proved to be harder than I anticipated but he finally escorted me safely to TM. I walk into the office first once I am at the lot and decide to visit my mom first.

"Hey baby, what are you doing here?" She asks slightly worried.

"Don't worry I got permission from Jax. I just came to bring you guys some lunch."

"Thanks Savvy." She says as I place a sandwich on the desk.

I smile at her and make my way inside the clubhouse as I practically get attacked for the rest of the sandwiches by a group of hungry bikers. I manage to steal one for Jax and go to find him. He's not in his dorm room which means theres only one other spot.

Jax POV:

Clay and I had finally come up with a foolproof plan to get rid of Henry today and I was looking forward to church later on where we would inform the rest of the guys. This week has been hard and long while we've been searching for anything that could help us. Henry is yet to make contact with Savannah and we are not yet aware if he knows that Savannah knows he's here in Charming. That gave us a slight disadvantage but not one we took lightly. Clay and I accounted for everything that could go wrong and have come up with a way to draw Henry out and kill him with no attention to SAMCRO. This would be the last straw of Savannah's unfortunate events in Orange County and after he was taken care of nothing would come in our way from her past again. I am pulled out of my thoughts as my beautiful girlfriend pops her head through the entrance of the rooftop.

"There you are. Are you hiding from me?" She says as she plops down to sit beside me.

"Of course not babe." I tell her as I kiss her on the lips.

"I managed to steal you one sandwich before the bag of them got ambushed." I chuckle at her statement and grab the square foil contents out of her small hands.

"Thanks. Everything okay driving here?" I ask her. Lately I've been a little more than extremely protective over her and I know it's been driving her crazy.

"Yes Jax it was all perfectly fine." She says rolling her eyes which I can't help but find cute.

"I'm sorry, I know it's all a little much but I just can't risk anything happening to you." I tell her as I rub her cheek softly.

"I know you and my dad are just trying to keep me safe. Did you two come up with anything today?" She asks hopefully.

"We did actually, were gonna bring it up to the guys tonight at church. If they all agree we take action and put the plan in motion." I tell her and her eyes look slightly surprised and worried.

"So what's the plan?" She asks curiously.

"Babe, it's not set in stone yet. Don't worry about it okay? Let us handle things." I tell her and she simply nods her head.

"I'm going stir crazy at home." She tells me and giggles to herself.

"I like that." I say and she just looks at me confused.

"Like what?"

"That you called my place home."

"I didn't mean it like that." She says slightly embarrassed which she shouldn't be.

"After all of this is taken care of you should-" I was about to ask her to move in with me but we get interrupted by Bobby's voice also now on the rooftop.

"Jax, Henry just showed up. He wants to talk to you and Savvy alone." He informs us slightly out of breath.

I can feel Savannah's hand tighten around mine and she looks to me for an answer which I do not have.

Clay and I did not anticipate this.

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