Chapter 71. Hybrid*

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Chapter 71. Let the Flames Begin by Paramore

Malachi pulled onto Aiden's property west of Saint Louis about half an hour after he left Emil and the others at the club. The Maserati was full now. Not only did he have Hannah and Aiden, but Steele was there, the reason they were heading to this location. To add to their load was the other being that Aiden had insisted he stop and pick up as they sped away from the club. Malachi was still confused about who he was specifically.

A few blocks away from the club, dodging police cars and fire trucks responding to the alarm, Aiden had called out, "Stop!"

Malachi thought the younger Guardian was being absurd and kept driving.

"Mal, stop! We need to pick up another!" Aiden insisted leaning over the back seat and pulling at the wheel, definitely getting Malachi's attention.

Malachi slammed on the brakes as he pulled to the side of the road, all sorts of names coming to his mind as he opened his mouth to give Aiden a mouthful. But before he could open his lips to say anything, Aiden had sprung from the passenger door. Malachi turned and pinned Steele with a 'dare me' glare, as Steele looked through the open door. Seconds later, Aiden pushed a bloody, singed body in before him and slammed the door, yelling, "Go! Go! Go!"

Malachi heard the urgency and drove away, figuring there was time for questions later.

Now was the time for questions. Peering in the review mirror, Malachi examined the stranger, who leaned heavily on Steele. The vampire seemed at ease with the stranger, not pushing the odd being away. Malachi could not quite place the difference, because he sensed vampire, but also sensed human. With that thought, the realization of who this might be crashed over him.

Again slamming on the brakes, Malachi said, "No way. Aiden, he's got to go."

"What do you mean? He's hurt."

"You know who that is? That is the son of Amahté, the Ancient One. If we kidnap him, there will be no end to the Hell we'll pay." Malachi pierced the younger Guardian with his glare.

"I think Emil would disagree. This guy saved our asses. He stood up to big daddy and let us all get away. It's the least we could do." Aiden said defiantly. "Besides, he's hurt. I don't think he's too dangerous."

"It's not him I'm worried about," Malachi said as he rolled his eyes. He decided the best thing to do was get the two injured into the secure room that Aiden said he had and then call Emil for advice. He wondered if Evan was okay and if the baby had survived. It hadn't looked good. Malachi surveyed the rundown looking farmhouse at the end of the driveway. It didn't look promising. He knew Aiden was only forty-some years or so between life and his time as a vampire, but he thought being a Guardian paid better than this. Looking to his right to Hannah, he shrugged and raised his eyebrows as if to say, 'Seriously?', but aloud he said, "Where do you want me to park?"

A harsh chuckle sounded from behind him. "You're all the same. Rich snobs. Pull around the back. The rest of the driveway is behind the house."

Malachi followed Aiden's instructions and drove over the bumpy, rutted gravel drive, going beyond the old farmhouse about another mile.

"Now that's more like it," Malachi admitted when he saw the large stone manse before him.

"Like I said, rich snob." Aiden leaned up between Hannah and Malachi with a wide grin on his face. "My daddy was a rock and roller. Left me all his shit when he died of an overdose. I figured since I was gonna live forever, I may as well keep the house."

Malachi and Hannah exchanged another look, this one of pure surprise. He continued onto a smooth blacktop drive that turned into flagstone in the huge circular courtyard in front of the house. Switching off the ignition, Malachi exited the car and opened the door to allow Steele to crawl out. The other vampire seemed weak, and did not give forth any challenge when Malachi took him by the arm. On the other side of the car, Aiden had pulled the stranger out of the car, and Hannah had stepped up to help, ducking under the male's opposite shoulder and putting his arm around her neck.

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