Chapter 49. Shelter You*

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Chapter 49. Shelter by Ray LaMontagne

As I lay helplessly on a hard surface, wanting to open my eyes and see what was troubling Evan, I struggled to move any part of my body. The weakness washing over me was like nothing I had ever felt. The terrible burning that had forced me into unconsciousness had faded away to a barely perceptible ache in my stomach. The pull from the hazy darkness I had been floating in was subtle at first. It was something very calming and comforting, a warmth that seeped through my body, sending pleasant sensations through each cell. It was a sound I loved that brought me farther out of the haze. At first, I did not comprehend any type of specific words, just a timbre to the lovely voice that soothed me. Then, I began to decipher a word here and there, "Wake up...wake up..."

Then I heard words that surely came out of a dream: "You're going to be a daddy." Not liking the cruel turn of this dream, I was terrified that I was either in Heaven, or more likely, Hell, as the taunt of my lifelong desire for a family was impossible. The cruelty of the words did not match the sweetness of her voice. Evan's voice. Evan. Evan! She was here; I needed to make sure she was okay.

I struggled to open my eyes and forced my body to move. All at once, awareness of the hand lying across my chest, sweet breath blowing across my ear and the side of my face, and excruciating pain washed over me. No longer was all sensation dulled by unconsciousness.

I was able to curl my right arm up and around Evan's beautiful head, holding her to me. Her mouth caught mine in a sweet kiss as I turned my head to her. It was all I could do to lift my arm, let alone answer her fervent kiss, I was so weak.

"What did you say?" I asked, not recognizing the croak that issued from my throat.

"You're going to be a daddy," Evan whispered with pink tears running down her white face.

"I don't understand," I whispered back, my throat protesting any sound. My mind would not accept the words I thought had only been in a dream. "How?"

"I don't know, Emil. But there is a heartbeat in me, and it's not mine. I hoped you might know how this could have happened," she said as she sat back in the chair she was in.

Although it was a strain, I tried to lift my head up a bit to look at her more closely. Sure enough, throbbing in her pale opalescent aura was a smaller bright turquoise orb of light, resting over her lower abdomen. There was no way for me to hide the thrill this gave me, and I felt my face stretch with a smile of joy I could not repress.

"Evan, it's true. I can see...her." As surely as I knew there was a new life there, I also knew we had a daughter.

The surprise that flashed across Evan's face as she heard my words turned quickly into excitement and just as quickly to trepidation. "Why do I feel a heartbeat? Does this mean it's...that she's human?"

"I don't know, Evan." I wanted to sit up but could not. I asked Evan, "Is Tourneau here? And the others? I need to know what is going on. I need to be sure you're safe. Maybe one of them has heard of this kind of thing."

"I'll get him. Just stay still, Emil, I don't want you popping open. I had to use duct tape to close the wound in your abdomen, since I couldn't put stitches through your skin. You're healing, just slowly," she said, placing one hand on my stomach and the other on my forehead, her way of telling me to lay still.

"Okay," I said, "get Jean, and hurry, we can't let our guard down."

Evan left the kitchen and I allowed myself to take a physical inventory. I ran my hands down my sides, my right hand sliding over the slightly rough bandage where I had been stabbed by Rafael, my left sliding over my stomach where I felt more of the same. I had pain there, but not what I expected after having silver fragments sprawl through my insides. I chanced a quick look, knowing that Evan was right about the possibility of the wounds coming open. The silver strips of tape holding my skin together was an amusing sight, to say the least. I was not healing like I would normally. Holding my arms out in front of me, I saw the knife wounds still present on my forearms and hands from Rafael's blades. I dropped my arms to my sides when I heard footsteps. A moment later, Evan and Tourneau entered the kitchen, trailed by Aiden, Xavier and lastly Nathan.

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