Chapter 57. Me*

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Chapter 57. Me by Plumb

Hannah and Malachi brought up the rear of the group as they left the church. They looked like any group of friends out for the night, the camaraderie amongst them growing. Hannah glanced at Malachi with new eyes. She had not expected him to be so interested in helping her and Jean prepare the sanctuary. He had seemed genuinely happy for the new couple. Of all the Guardians, if she had been asked to pick, after Emil, she would have been most frightened of Malachi. Walking side by side down the brightly lit Washington Street toward Evan's home, Hannah studied him more closely. She wouldn't have characterized him right away as handsome. His appeal came with knowing him. He had plain brown hair, a straight nose, nondescript Germanic features and brown eyes. His lips were a little thin for her taste, but when he smiled, it brought out a dimple in his otherwise smooth face. He was average height and build, not overly imposing to look at. Something had changed tonight for her though. Seeing how he had put careful touches into helping arrange the decorations in the sanctuary and how he had whole-heartedly supported Emil and Evan's union as well as their dedication to Nathan, Hannah felt that he now held an allure she had never been drawn to in her entire existence.

"Thank you for helping tonight. I know Jean didn't expect it, and I was surprised, too. You really have a knack for planning," Hannah began.

"It's something I'm good at. Battle strategy, wedding planning...what is the difference?" he retorted with the dimpled grin she had so recently noticed.

Hannah laughed at the rare attempt at a joke and nodded. "No kidding! Except how often does this happen? Have you ever seen a vampire wedding before?"

"No. Never. That's why I wanted to help. I think it is noble and honorable. I respect how Emil continues to try to maintain some morals, despite what most of our kind believe," Malachi answered, not hiding his disdain.

"Yes, he's a rare one," Hannah conceded, glancing to the couple in the midst of the group. Emil was all smiles, one arm around his bride and the other around his 'son'. She continued in silence next to Malachi as the group turned north on Arsenal, headed toward Benton Park.

Hawk and Tourneau led the group down the more dimly lit side streets, past more turn of the century brick row houses and businesses. The area was in a recovery period, but still showed signs of wear and urban decay. Flanking Emil, Evan and Nathan, were Xavier and Aiden. It seemed the group moved as a huddle, but Hannah realized they were moving in formation, protecting the leader and his family.

Tourneau walked ahead in silence, keeping an alert eye out for enemies and troublemakers. Human assailants would be no match for the group, but of all nights, he did not want any trouble tonight. He'd been trying to get Hawk to open up a little more about his past, but respected the distance the other man needed. Hawk had been doing better than Tourneau thought he would after their private encounter. Hawk had still been sending curious and heated looks his way, so Tourneau figured there had been no harm done.

Hawk on the other hand was caught in a whirlwind of emotions, sure he was showing the world his feelings. Hawk was still on the alert, ever professional. Tourneau and he had been spending a great deal of time in conversation, mostly superficial things that strangers would discuss when they were forced to spend a large amount of time together. The thought of the others in the group knowing how he felt about Tourneau had become less frightening as he'd gotten to know them better. His concern about being judged was unfounded; Emil had even been kind. Hawk had gone out on a limb after the wedding, realizing that Tourneau did not have his own apartment, and invited him to stay in his apartment for now. Almost more surprising, Jean had accepted the invitation graciously, with no lewd comments. Hawk was still having trouble sorting through his feelings, frustrated and embarrassed, but also relieved and excited.

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