Chapter 65. Breathe*

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Chapter 65. Breathe Me by Sia

Evan felt anxiety rise within as the pain lancing through her increased with a brief crescendo, peaking, then giving way just long enough for her to move a bit before it happened again.

This was happening too fast. She knew she was in labor, but as a physician, she knew this was not right. Her contractions were building so quickly there were really only seconds between them. She was so weak and did not understand why Nathan was not there. He was supposed to have brought her more blood to drink.

Glancing up into Xavier's concerned face, Evan tried to speak. "What happened to Nathan?"

Xavier reached out to stroke the auburn hair from Evan's face as she crumpled under another contraction. She was perspiring, a faint pink sheen coating her face. He'd never seen a vampire perspire before and he had been around for a very long time. It was as if he was watching someone with stigmata and it unsettled him. The unease he had felt earlier in the night had magnified as the night progressed and Xavier thought perhaps he had just picked up on Evan's eminent delivery.

"Don't worry, Evan. Nothing happened to him. He is just watching the rooftops for me. You need me now. What can I do for you?" Xavier asked, needing guidance as to what to do, and reluctant to tell her that Nathan had disappeared.

Evan tried to think as her pain-wracked body refused to give any respite. She thought of what she would need were she to deliver a baby. None of what came to mind was here at hand.

With a grimace, she said, "It seems we'll be doing this the old-fashioned way. Why don't you go boil water and find some towels? I'll do my best not to go anywhere."

"Really?" Xavier said, surprised.

After another contraction, she said, "Yes, really. It's to clean the baby once she is born. Go!"

Xavier rushed from the room, cursing Emil, Nathan and anyone else that came to mind for leaving him there with Evan in her condition. He ran around the kitchen and found a large pot, filled it with water and put it on the stove to boil. While that was on, he next ran to the bathroom and grabbed every towel he could find and put them on the bed.

He hurried back to the kitchen. Grateful Emil had a convection stove, and the water boiled rapidly, Xavier carried the steaming pot of water to the bedroom. Proudly, he set it on the floor next to the bed and looked to Evan.

She seemed to be in a more relaxed posture. Xavier went around the bed to talk to her, so she wouldn't have to move.

"I've got everything you asked for Evan. Anything else? Evan? Evan!" he cried when he realized she was laying inert, her eyes open and staring. He ran his hand over her abdomen and felt a contraction tighten under his fingers, but Evan did not respond. He lifted his other hand that had rested on the bed beside her and saw it was coated in blood.

Xavier shook Evan, trying to get a response out of her. Aloud, he said to himself, "She needs blood. She's lost too much. Now, do something about it."

Kneeling next to the bed, Xavier prepared to open his wrist when commotion came from the living room. He recognized Nathan's voice.

"Nathan! Come here! Evan isn't doing well, I need your help," Xavier called out. He drew a tooth against his wrist and a line of blood welled up. Gently lifting Evan's head with his other arm, he dripped the blood onto her lips.

"Stop it!" Nathan shouted. "I brought her some blood."

Xavier did not stop, but answered, "She is in desperate need. Bring what you have and she can have it when I'm done."

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