Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

There was a lot we needed to do. The first, of course, was to make sure we were fully safe. So we forced the door back in place since Luke had broke it down. We managed to get it to lock somehow again - which was very lucky for us considering the lock was originally broke; he knew how to somehow fix it, which saved us a lot of time. Besides that, for our own peace of mind, we even pushed the couch from the living room around to the kitchen and to the now closed and locked door. We didn't expect anyone to find us here but we needed to be cautious at the very least.

After that, I checked to make sure Jack was okay as Luke slowly made his way upstairs and would meet me in the bathroom. I felt terrible though and wanted to stay with Jack when I found him laying under the dinning room table, shaking, and whimpering still. He didn't react much as I tried petting him. I checked him though and made sure he was in no way hurt. My poor dog... I looked him over and saw he must just be scared. That was better than him being dead - which I still found to impossible. I mean, I have no idea how Luke managed to get Jack out of there but was so happy he managed to. Besides Luke and my dog, the only one I was really worrying over now was... well, Francis.

I sighed, stroking my puppy's damp fur. He didn't want to move much; he just wanted to stay hiding under the table and I didn't blame him. I was ready to climb under there with him but since I needed to help Luke and my body was sore to even bother, I couldn't. I did grab a towel from the bathroom down the downstairs bathroom though and wrapped Jack up in it as I also managed to find him some dog food. I set a dish of that as well as some water just besides the table since he refused to leave his hiding spot.

Cringing as I was kneeling, I sighed as I ran my hand over his head and massaged his ear for a moment as I looked into his scared eyes. "Everything is okay now, buddy. We are safe here. I set some food and water out here for you... and me and Luke will be upstairs for a little while, okay?" I asked in a lighter voice, swallowing. I could only imagine how shook up my innocent pup was. I wished I could help him... but at the same time, we all needed a little help. Especially Francis at this very second. God... I just hope he was okay.

My mind couldn't leave him. Especially with his coat wrapped around my still chilled body. His scent from it, spice with hints of nature, hit my nose and I couldn't stop worrying... thinking about where he could be now. I didn't know his cell phone number off the top of my head and even if I did, I don't know if I would call him anyway. After all, what if he is still with those people that attacked us and they checked his phone, or saw him answer to us...? Not good. My paranoia over it rose; I can only imagine how bad it will be when I tell Luke that his brother was there with us at the house during the attack. I planned to do that later when he settles down a bit and when we are cleaned up.

I gave Jack a few more strokes along his fur from my hand before I stood back up and headed towards the living room and the stairs. We agreed to turn no lights on in any areas that had windows around us. So as I moved up stairs and to the bathroom in the long hall I knew he was in with the lights shinning through under it, I wasn't hesitant to knock. I was eager to help him after all and did so when he let me in.

The light shinning from above the mirror was the first in hours I've seen that wasn't from the moon. It made my eyes burn just slightly as I took in the rest of my surroundings as I shut the door behind me. First was Luke. He stood before me with a blank look on his face. I could see him much better now... with his soft hair damp to a darker color, his skin looking pale, and the dried blood more clear to me along his forehead and eyebrows. But there was more; all along his uniform, scattered dots here and there... and a big spot of dark red on the left side of his stomach from what I could tell through his uniform. Not to mention, the shakiness in him was still there... especially, no doubt, after looking in the mirror. His eyes were still bloodshot red when they met mine and quickly went to look me over. Ha... as if I was the one he needed to be worried about. I was sore, bleeding a little, and shaky still but nothing like him.

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