Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Just try it," he said, offering me a cup after I sat down at the kitchen table with my bowl of cereal.

The passed few days went by with no incident.  Just boring days around the house and trying to keep ourselves busy since we were being cautious and wouldn't leave the house.  The news kept us entertained though.  Especially when all that was being talked about was what happened here a few days ago.  People have been going crazy over it too; it's not often three guys get shot in a house over a grudge.  And in the house of the town's most wanted crazy girl. Today though was off to a better start - without the news.  But it included Luke trying to goad me into trying coffee for the first time.

 Looking up to where he was standing beside me, he put the coffee mug down next to me and gestured to it for me to take before he went back to making his own breakfast. 

I sighed.  The smell wasn't that great to begin with.  The taste probably wouldn't be any better.  But this being the third time Luke asked, I had to give in - out of curiosity of course, not because I gave in to pressure.  Lifting up the mug, I took a small swig, and was just glad it wasn't too hot.

The terrible taste of the coffee would have blocked it out anyway I found out.  I grimaced and shook my head, lips tightening and I set the cup as far away from me as I could on the table.  I didn't understand how so many people could like it.  It was disgusting, that's all I can say.   

"You don't like it?" he asked as he came back into my sight, sitting down adjacent to me and seeing my reaction.  Looking to his plate, I noticed he just made some toast this morning.  He of course had his coffee too though.  I don't know why; he always seemed to have enough energy in the morning.  He didn't look tired but up and ready to face what was surely going to be another boring day.  It wasn't something we minded though.  It was kind of nice doing nothing with him, lazing around and talking.  Just taking part in our American-ness.   

"No.  Yuck," I said, taking a bite of my cereal and flushing away that nasty taste.  "Better than that cake we made though," I offered up.

He grinned slightly at the memory of that awful cake - no, horse shit was what it was, not cake.  When he was about to say something though back to me, we heard the sound of the doorbell ring throughout the house, getting our attention. 

We both groaned simultaneously of course.  We figured it would be more reporters or just some curious kids that wanted to take a look at the 'crime scene' of what was sure to be the hottest news of the town. In the past few days, we saw a sad amount of those type of people. That's the issue with the society today: they are hungry for drama and don't care how terrible something is.  It would be entertaining to them and of course, that's what counted in their selfish pathetic lives.  And each time the doorbell rings with the reminder that there was another loser on the doorstep, Jack would start to go nuts and bark. 

From the kitchen, I heard the little pounding of paws hitting each step as Jack scrambled down the steps from where he was up in my room, excited someone was here.  Barking throughout the house, announcing the arrival of a visitor, I laughed at Luke's annoyed expression and Jack's uncontainable excitement.

Jack had gotten to the door, barking, before Luke even got up.  He didn't move for a long second, clearly not wanting to get up and answer the door.  However, whoever the person was at the door was impatient.  The doorbell rang again and again and again, each second and by the time I was close to laughing at whoever this was, with Jack even more hyped up at the continuous ring, Luke got up quickly to get the door since it was clear the bell wouldn't stop for a second until the door is answered.

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