💣 War Part One 💣

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//3rd Person POV\\

"What are we going to do?" Olive asked tears streaming down her face. "We are going to do what we plan to do," Enoch replied. "I'm going to go out on the battlefield," Enoch began. "And I'm going to win this war for ya," Enoch continued. "And when I come back, we will get married," Enoch added. He embraced her in a hug. She buried her head in the collar of his sweater. "Besides, we have to leave tomorrow morning. We still have wedding plans to take care of," Enoch told her. Olive nodded before letting go. They linked hands before walking to the study where Miss Peregrine was. Jake was there and he didn't look too happy. "So you're saying that I have to go fight in the war and leave my family behind!?" Jake exclaimed. "Yes, there's nothing I can do! Enoch has to go too!" Miss Peregrine exclaimed. "What about Emma!?" Jake asked. "She's my wife!" Jake exclaimed. "What about Kate!?" Jake asked. "My own daughter!!!" Jake exclaimed. "I will miss her first words! Her first steps!" Jake exclaimed.

"They'll still be here when you get back!" Miss Peregrine exclaimed. "If I get back," Jake mumbled. "Quit being so negative!" Miss Peregrine exclaimed. They stayed in silence. Enoch and Olive were waiting by the door, out of view. They could hear everything. "And what about Enoch and Olive?" Jake asked breaking the silence. Enoch and Olive looked at each other. "They were supposed to get married next week," Jake said. "But how can they?" Jake asked. Miss Peregrine didn't say anything. "How can Enoch and Olive get married if Enoch is away fighting in some dumb war!?" Jake exclaimed. "They can't, can they?" Jake asked. Enoch and Olive left, they didn't want to hear Miss Peregrine's answer. "No, they can't," Miss Peregrine replied. "It'll take months before the war is over," Jake said. "They'll have to wait almost an entire year," Jake added.

Enoch and Olive sat down on the couch in the living room. It would be there last night to be together before Enoch goes into the war. Olive laid her head on Enoch's shoulder. They linked hands. "After tomorrow morning," Olive began. "Will I ever see you again?" Olive asked. "Olive," Enoch said. "I won't be gone forever. Just a few months," Enoch told her. "But you heard Jake, the war lasts for months!" Olive exclaimed. "Maybe even a year," Olive added. "We don't know that!" Enoch exclaimed. "War can last months," Enoch told her. "Depends on how long they need me," Enoch said. "Hope it's not long," Olive murmured as her eyes slowly began to close. "Me too," Enoch said. He kissed her on the forehead before closing his own eyes. Enoch woke up to Jake shaking him. "We need to go!" Jake exclaimed. Enoch looked down to see Olive's head lying on his lap. She was still asleep. "They'll be here when we get back. Right now we need to pack," Jake said. Enoch carefully picked up Olive's head and he carefully stood up before laying her head back down. They rushed to their rooms and began packing. Once they finished packing they laid their suitcases at the door. Jake went to go say goodbye to his family.

"You going to say goodbye to Olive?" Jake asked Enoch once he finished saying goodbye to his family. "I don't believe in goodbyes," Enoch said. "Why?" Jake asked. "When ya say goodbye, ya telling people that ya may not see them again," Enoch replied. "And?" Jake asked. "I know I'm going to come home," Enoch replied. Enoch made his way to the door. He took a glance at Olive who was still fast asleep. Miss Peregrine left the kitchen to see Enoch and Jake off. The truck that came to pick them up, pulled up in front of the house. Enoch helped Jake load the truck. Jake had already hopped in the back of the truck. Enoch almost hopped in, when he heard a familiar cough. He turned his head to see Olive at the door. "You're going to leave without saying goodbye?" Olive asked. Enoch walked over to Olive. "I don't believe in goodbyes," Enoch replied. "Because I know I'm coming home to the woman I love and getting married," Enoch added. "Come home to me please!" Olive exclaimed tears strolling down. "I promise," Enoch told her. Olive let out a sniffle. "Don't cry! I'll write to ya as much as I can!" Enoch exclaimed. He gently grabbed her by her chin and claimed her lips. The people in the truck grew annoyed and began to drive off. "Look after each other!" Miss Peregrine yelled as Enoch ran off after the truck. He jumped and he climbed in the back of the truck. Olive watched as Enoch left. She swore she saw him look back at her too. "Come on Olive!" Miss Peregrine exclaimed. "We have lots to do!" Miss Peregrine exclaimed. "Stay safe," Olive said before walking inside the house.

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