🙄Meeting Enoch🙄

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//Jacob's POV\\

I decided to follow Emma's advice and head to the attic. I went upstairs. "Jake!" Olive exclaimed. "Come Meet Enoch properly!" She exclaimed before entering his room. I followed her. "Ya must feel pretty out of place here," he said to me. "Oh don't worry, I'm used to it," I told him. "Oh I wasn't worried," he said. "But a little advice though, man to man," he said. I nodded my head. "If ya are thinking of staying because ya like Emma, don't bother," Enoch said.

Olive's happy expression turned into a sad one. "Ya see, she swore off romance decades ago, when she got her heart broken, and she's never going to change her mind," Enoch added. He held out his hand and Olive handed him a tool. Enoch began placing a heart in the doll. "What are you doing?" I asked. "This......" Enoch said placing a heart in another doll. "Jake! This isn't even the fun part!" Enoch exclaimed. "Would ya like to see the fun part? " Enoch asked. Before I could reply Enoch whispered something in the first dolls ear.

Soon enough they started fighting. Olive jumped up and down with excitement. Soon enough the second doll stabbed the first doll and removed it's heart. "Isn't he amazing!!!???!!!" Olive exclaimed. "They're like puppets, they do anything I tell them to do," Enoch explained. "Should of seen the epic battles they had in my parents funeral parlor," Enoch added. I saw Olive looking at Enoch with loving eyes. Why couldn't Enoch see? I wondered. I left and went to the attic to get ready for dinner. Emma was waiting for me.

That's it for this chapter! Sorry it's so short! Comment if I should update! And don't forget to Vote! Love You Guys!


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