🙃 Jacob Portman 🙃

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//3rd Person POV\\

Olive, Claire, The Twins, Millard, Bronwyn and Emma all had to to fetch Abe's Grandson. They exited the loop. And they were in Abe's grandson's time. They watched him enter their bombed house and he started looking around, they entered after him. After seeing their old home, Olive felt like crying. The parlor was damaged, Olive's room was a mess. So was Enoch's all his jars and dolls were all broken and scattered everywhere. Everything in her room was a mess. The only thing that survived the bomb in her room was the music box.

Abe's grandson picked up two picture that were covered in dirt. He blew off the dirt and it came clear to them that it was their family portraits. The first one contained; Victor, Emma, Bronwyn, Fiona, Claire, The Twins, Horace, Hugh, Millard, Enoch, Olive, and Miss Peregrine. The second one contained;  Emma, Abe, Enoch, Olive, Fiona, Hugh, Claire, The Twins, Horace, Millard, Bronwyn and Miss Peregrine. Abe's grandson left the parlor and entered the main hallway. He rushed up the stairs and Claire's door was broken off and was on the ground inside her room.

Abe's grandson then entered Enoch's room and peeked inside. All of Enoch's tools were still on his work table but they were broken. Abe's grandson backed out of the room and he automatically saw Emma. "Abe?" Emma said. Abe's grandson freaked out and ran downstairs. That's when he saw Claire and Olive peeking out from behind a door. When they realized that Abe's grandson saw them they quickly hid. Abe's grandson heard Emma's heavy footsteps above him. He then saw The Twins peeking out at him. He panicked and ran towards the parlor.

He ran and accidentally tripped. He hit the ground with a loud thud, knocking himself out. When Abe's grandson woke up he was being carried over Bronwyn's shoulders. Claire went inside the loop just in case. When Bronwyn reached the entrance to the loop she dropped Abe's grandson then went and stood next to Olive. Abe's grandson stood up and started dusting himself off. He looked up and saw Emma, The Twins, Millard, Bronwyn and Olive. "You're Emma!" Abe's grandson exclaimed pointing at Emma. "The Twins!" He said pointing at the twins. "Bronwyn! Olive! And you're Millard!" He exclaimed pointing at each of them.

"No………You're dead……… You're ALL dead!" He exclaimed. "I mean……… He's invisible but he's still dead!" He said pointing at Millard. Emma gave him a confused look. "None of us are dead," Millard spoke up. "Oh! Am I dead?" He asked. "No," Emma said. Abe's grandson just shook his head then he looked at Emma. "You called me Abe…… Back at the house……… Why?" He asked. "You looked like him! For a second! Before you began screaming and concussing yourself!" Emma exclaimed. "Then what are we doing?" He asked. "We're waiting till the coast is clear," Emma replied.

"You never know who might be watching," Olive said. She put her gloved hand on his shoulder and gestured for him to enter the loop. Everyone followed behind him and they were sent back into the loop. Abe's grandson panicked and when the peculiars were back inside their loop. Abe's grandson ran off. Panicking. "Miss Peregrine said his name was Jacob, or Jake for short," Millard said. "Well he's going to the pub, we have to go help him," Bronwyn said. "Me, Millard and Olive will go help him," Emma said. "Go to Miss Peregrine and take Claire and The Twins with you," she told Bronwyn. Bronwyn nodded.

Emma grabbed the wagon and the horse and took off towards the pub. When we arrived Millard (who obviously had no clothes on) went inside. He saw the manager of the pub threatening Jacob he then started throwing items and Jacob watched. Jacob's head followed everything that was thrown.  Olive grabbed Jacob "Come on," she said and ushered him out the door with one of her gloves in her mouth. She made sure Millard was out before touching the entrance with her bare hand, setting it on fire. She climbed in the wagon and Emma drove off. "Jake get on!" Emma exclaimed. He ran and he climbed on the wagon.

When they were away from the pub Jacob couldn't believe what he just saw. "I can't believe you're real! You're all real!" Jacob exclaimed. "We have been trying to tell you," Emma said. "But I'm special too!" Jake exclaimed. "What?" Emma asked. "In the pub! Olive you saw right? Everything was flying and breaking! And that was me!" Jake exclaimed. Emma tried not to laugh. "I was doing it with my mind!" Jake exclaimed. "No that was me!" Millard said. "Millard?" Jake asked. "Yeah!" Millard replied. "Are you naked?" Jake asked. "Yeah!" Millard replied.

Emma handed Millard his clothes which he began to put on. "Oh," Jake said. "I don't…… A bomb dropped on you in 1943," Jake said. "It is 1943," Olive finally spoke. "September the 3rd 1943," Millard added. "All day everyday! It's our loop," Emma said. They arrived at the children's home and Miss Peregrine greeted them at the door.

She held her pocket watch and looked at it. "Right on time!" Miss Peregrine said. "Miss Peregrine. Delighted to meet you!" She said to Jake extending her hand which he shook. "I do believe I'm not going to have the pub landlord knocking on my door with the police again?" Miss Peregrine asked. "Millard broke a few things that's all," Emma began. "And Olive my have started a tiny fire," Emma added. Olive looked down she knew Miss Peregrine was disappointed with her. "But they were going to hurt Jake," Emma added. Miss Peregrine moved aside and Emma, Millard and Olive entered the house.

That's all for this chapter! Comment if I should update! Thanks for  1.95K views! And don't forget to Vote! Oh and I ran out of ideas on how they fetched Jacob so I just used how they fetched him in the movie! Love You Guys!


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