🎂 The Best Birthday Ever 🎂

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//3rd Person POV\\

Miss Peregrine led the children and the birthday girl into the dining room. They all sat down except Miss Peregrine. She went to fetch the cake. The cake was full vanilla. It was covered in vanilla frosting. The cake had a rose on top and it had vines of other flowers. And it said 'Happy Birthday' in pink letters. Olive gasped as soon as she saw the cake. Miss Peregrine added 16 candles and Olive lit them. "Make a wish, make a wish!" Claire chanted.

Olive looked at Enoch then at her candles. She closed her eyes and blew out the candles. Every one applauded after the flames were blown out. "What did you wish for?" Claire asked. "It won't come true if I tell you!" Olive exclaimed. Miss Peregrine grabbed a knife and sliced the cake into 11 pieces. She gave Olive the first slice since she was the birthday girl. As soon as everybody had a slice they began to eat the cake.

//Olive's POV\\

The cake was so good. It was the best birthday ever! Horace provided the movie which was mainly about clothes. It's the usual but hey at least it's a movie. When Horace finished up the movie it was time for bed. Everyone wished me a happy birthday again before leaving the living room. Bronwyn and Enoch helped me carry my presents up to my room.

I thanked them before they left my room. I put the journal that Emma gave me, on my nightstand. The Orange Roses that Claire and Bronwyn gave me, also on the nightstand. I put the jewelry box that Enoch gave me, on my dresser. I took off the charm bracelet from Fiona, and the jeweled necklace from Miss Peregrine, and put them in the jewelry box. The music box from Hugh and Millard, was placed on my dresser. The dress from Horace was put in my closet. The jars from The Twins were put in the corner of my room and I filled them up with water. That way if my peculiarity gets out of hand I can put my hands in the jars to cool them off.

That's it for this chapter! Comment if I should Update! Sorry for the chapter being short! Thanks for 550 views! And don't forget to vote! Love You Guys!


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