😨 Scaring Away Jacob 😨

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//Enoch's POV\\

I thought Jacob left last night, after the reset but he came back and he was talking to Miss Peregrine in the kitchen. I decided to eavesdrop. Olive tried to stop me but I didn't but she followed behind me. Miss Peregrine was listening to the radio and taking care of the Ymbryne Jacob and Emma found yesterday. Jacob walked in the kitchen. Yesterday was a sad day for everyone. Abe died yesterday in the woods behind his house.

"Jake. You're back. How wonderful!" Miss Peregrine said. "How's it doing?" Jacob asked Miss Peregrine referring to the ymbryne. "Emma said it was an Ymbryne," Jake added. "She. Not it," Miss Peregrine said. "Ymbrynes are always female," Miss P added. "And Emma is quite correct," Miss P said. "This is Miss Avocet," Miss P added. "Her loop's in Blackpool. England," Jacob said pulling out and letter out of his pocket.

Miss P looked at Jake in shock. "That was a private letter, Jake!" Miss P exclaimed. "Who is Mr. Barron?" Jacob asked. Miss P didn't answer. "Miss Peregrine, if my Grandpa was involved with dangerous people......" Jacob began. "I need to tell the police," Jacob finished. "Police?" Miss P asked confused. "Are you implying Abe died an unnatural death?" Miss Peregrine asked.

"I found him in the woods...... with his eyes missing. I'd say that was pretty unnatural!" Jacob exclaimed. Miss P stood up and walked over to Jacob and snatched the letter out of his hands. "Unless essential, I don't discuss unpleasant matters," Miss P said. "An Ymbryne's duty is to protect children, Jake," Miss P added. She walked off. "I'm not a child," Jacob told her. "He wanted you to tell me everything!" Jacob exclaimed. I tried not to snicker or laugh.

Miss P kept walking. Jacob couldn't get an answer so he began to exit the kitchen. That's when Jacob saw me and Olive standing in the hallway outside eavesdropping. Olive hid behind my shoulder. Time to scare away Jake, I thought. "Oh. How frustrating for ya," I said pretending to feel sorry for him. "Between Miss Peregrine's rules......" I began. "And my housemates' little pact not to scare ya off......" I added. "It's like no one's telling ya anything!" I said smirking.

Jacob got in my face. "Why don't you, then?" Jacob asked. "It's not like you want me here," Jacob added. I guess I could tell him, I thought. I guess Olive could tell because she looked at me. "Enoch, you can't. You promised," Olive said. I gave Jacob a glare. "Olive's right," I said to Jacob. "But I do know someone who can get away with breaking rules though," I told Jacob. "Want to meet him?" I asked.

I rushed up the stairs with Jacob and Olive behind me. Olive grabbed a hold of my arm. "Enoch, don't do this. Please!" Olive exclaimed. As much as I wanted to I couldn't. Jacob is stealing Olive away from me and I'm not going to let that happen. I thought about what she said yesterday. I continued walking and Olive let go of my arm. "Ya want to spend time with me and Jake, we can all play together. That's what ya said!" I explained.

She rushed up ahead and blocked the way to Victor's door by spreading her hands. "Well here we all are," I said. "Move, Olive," I said as I got in her face. Earlier that morning Olive said that if I would be nicer I would have more friends. "If you're going to be like that, then I don't want to be your friend," Olive said. She placed her arms by her side before brushing past me and Jacob. I glared at her. Fiona exited her room as soon as Olive ran away. "Enoch, leave Victor alone. It really upsets Bronwyn," Fiona told me.

I knew what she meant. Anytime I bring a human back to life after they die, they feel the pain. I put my hands on Fiona's shoulders. "Stop fussing, Fiona. Don't ya think Jake should meet everybody?" I asked her. Fiona looked at Jake. "He's trying to frighten you away, Jake," Fiona said. "He was always jealous of Abe! And now he's jealous of you?" Fiona exclaimed. "Come and play with us instead," Fiona offered. I raised my eyebrow and looked at Jake and crossed my arms. He saw the look on my face. "I'd quite like to meet Victor," Jake told Fiona.

I gave a tiny grin before patting Fiona's head. I opened the door to Victor's room. "After ya," I said to Jake. Inside Victor laid on his bed with his covers covering him up. Jake saw Victor and thought he was asleep. I walked straight over to the drawer and opened it. I pulled out a couple jars and placed them on top. "Hello Victor," Jake said walking towards Victor's bed. "I'm Jake. I'm sorry to disturb..." He was cut off when he saw Victor without eyes. Jake let out a soft gasp.

"Yeah, he can't hear ya" I said. I pulled out a heart and walked over to Victor. I inserted the heart into Victor's chest. I waited till I heard a heartbeat. Jake kept looking at Victor not knowing what will happen. After a couple minutes Victor popped up. And Jake was startled. Victor wasn't the same Victor like he was before he died. Victor was like one of Enoch's dolls which he hate to refer Victor as. "Hello, Jake. I'm Victor," Victor said. "Do you want to know what killed me?" Victor asked.

Jake didn't know what killed Victor. But he must of been killed by the same thing his Grandpa was killed by. Jake ran out of the room and Victor laid back down dead. I don't know why I keep doing this to Victor. The more I bring him back to life the more it hurts him. I removed the heart from Victor's chest and put it back in the jar, which I put back in the dresser. I saw a tear roll down Victor's cheek before I turned around and left Victor's room. "Oh there you are Jake!" I hear Miss Peregrine say to Jake. "Is Enoch with you? It's time for our daily walk, " Miss Peregrine asked.

That's it for this chapter! Comment if I should Update! And don't forget to vote! Love You Guys!


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