💌 Letters and Ships 🚣

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//Olive's POV\\

"Yeah, he's like a stalker," I told Enoch. Just then we heard our names being called. "Enoch! Olive!" Emma hollered. I began walking inside when I realized Enoch wasn't behind me. I turned around to see him staring at the sunset with his hands on the railing. I walked back and placed my gloved hands on his shoulder. He didn't bother to move them. "Let's go inside Enoch," I told him. He didn't say anything. He still stayed and stared at the sunset. I decided to look at the sunset with him. It was very beautiful. One of Enoch's curls fell in his face and he tried to blow it away.

I let out a giggle and brushed it away for him before looking back at the sunset. From the corner of my eye I could see a smile on Enoch's face. "It's beautiful," I said. "It is," Enoch said. We both sat down and looked at the sunset together. It was so peaceful and quiet and beautiful. "Enoch! Olive!" Emma hollered again. "Let's go," I told Enoch. I extended my hands. He took them. I gave Enoch a quick kiss on his cheek before we walked inside. Emma was waiting for us. "Where were you guys?" Emma asked. "We were on the deck," I replied. "Why didn't you come when I called you the first time?" Emma asked. "Sorry we got carried away," I replied.

"What's wrong?" Enoch asked. "Nothing! It's just that Miss Peregrine said she found an island," Emma explained. "When did she tell ya that?" Enoch asked. "Carrier pigeon," Emma said holding up a piece of paper. "May I see that please?" I asked. "Sure," Emma said. She handed the paper to me.
Dear Children,
For Starters I wanted to let you know I am Okay and safe. Luckily Jake saved me from Barron. You're probably wondering where I went. Well I found a small island near a bay area and looked for food. Don't worry I'm fine. I WILL BE BACK SOON MY LOVELY PECULIARS!
Take care 😘 ~Miss Peregrine.

"When did you receive this?" I asked before handing it to Enoch to read. "About ten minutes ago," Emma replied. "We haven't even left this dock," Emma added. "Well is the pigeon still here?" Enoch asked. "Yeah, why?" Emma asked. "Maybe we can send Miss Peregrine a note asking for some coordinates to the island she found," Enoch replied. "Enoch I never thought I'd say this but......" Emma began. "You're a genius!" Emma exclaimed. Emma pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and handed it to me. "I have bad handwriting, you write it, I seen your journal entries and your handwriting is really pretty," Emma said.

"Okay," I said. I listened and wrote down what they told me to write down I reread it before giving it to the carrier pigeon. Here is what it said:
Dear Miss Peregrine,
It's so nice to hear from you! You had us worried sick about you! We wanted you to know that Jake decided to stay in 1943. We've received your previous letter and we would like to know the coordinates to this island you have found. We haven't left the dock where the Ghost Train is. Please stay where you are! We will steer the ship to the island you have mentioned. Please seek shelter for us and we will send out some peculiars to find you.
With Love, Your Peculiar Children.

"Okay, send this to Miss Peregrine," Emma said putting it in the beak of the pigeon. It flew off. "How do we know if the letter gets to Miss Peregrine?" Millard asked. "Because..." Emma began. She looked around to find him but he was no where. I felt something nudge me and I screamed before I hit the floor. "Ooops!" Millard exclaimed. "Millard!" I exclaimed. Enoch rushed over to help me up. "Sorry," Millard said. "Millard go and put some clothes on!" Enoch exclaimed. "It's too hot in here! And it was much better outside when you two were flirting," Millard added. "You were spying on us!!!???" I asked. "You guys were flirting!!!???" Emma asked.

Me and Enoch both turned a shade of red. "It's really cute!" Millard told Emma. "I bet it is!" Emma said. We saw the door open and closed which meant Millard left. "Since when were you going to tell me?" Emma asked us. "Tell ya what?" Enoch asked as he helped me to my feet. "That you guys are together," Emma replied. "We're not together," Me and Enoch both said at the same time. "Aww that's too bad!" Emma said. "It is?" I asked. "Yeah you guys are so cute together!" Emma exclaimed. "We are?" Enoch asked. "Yeah!" Emma replied. "I just don't get it!" Emma exclaimed. "Get what?" I asked. "I don't get you guys!" Emma added.

"Why?" I asked. "I mean all that stuff Enoch said when you died and the fact you guys were both holding hands," Emma replied. "Ya heard that?" Enoch asked Emma. "It's the first thing Hugh, Claire, Bronwyn, Fiona, Horace, and of course Millard talked about when you guys were on the deck," Emma explained. "Now it makes sense to why you didn't come when I called you!" Emma exclaimed. Just then the carrier pigeon flew in with a paper in his hand. "What does it say?" I asked as Emma went over to grab it. I felt Enoch's fingers wrap around mine.

"My Dearest Children,
It's so nice of you guys to worry about me! And the island has tons of food to eat! I found shelter and I will stay here till I hear of your arrival! As an Ymbryne it is my duty to protect you. Seeing how far you are from the island I can not argue so below are the coordinates to the island I found. Please get here soon!

Latitude: -34° 56' 59.99" S
Longitude: -150° 29' 59.99" W

These are the coordinates! Please do not have Millard steer the ship! He's horrible with directions. Well horrible at steering. Please come to the island in one piece and stay safe!
Take Care 😘 ~Miss Peregrine" Emma read.

"Well I can't steer!" Emma exclaimed. "Neither can I!" I exclaimed. "Well where will we find someone who can steer this ship?" Enoch asked. Just then me and Emma exchanged a glance and both of us turned out heads to look at Enoch. "Me?" Enoch asked. Emma shook her head yes. "Is it because I asked?" Enoch asked. "No! It's because you're the eldest and always serious!" Emma exclaimed. "Shouldn't be so serious all the time," I teased him.  He just rolled his eyes and laughed. Enoch let go of my hand and grabbed the paper with the coordinates before heading to the control room where the wheel was.

"Miss him already?" Emma asked. I just smiled at her and rolled my eyes. "You've been in love with Enoch way to long," Emma teased. "Oh like you are with Jake!" I exclaimed. "Shhh!" Emma shushed. I just gave her another smile. "How did you know?" Emma asked. "Same way you found out!" I replied. "It's pretty obvious, well sort of," I told her. "And I kinda saw you......" I began. "Saw me what?" Emma asked. "Kiss him," I replied. "Oh like you want to kiss Enoch!" Emma exclaimed. "Shhh," I shushed her. "Well, it's true," Emma said. "No worries, one day it will happen," Emma added. "Speaking of which......" Emma began. "You need to deliver this map to Enoch," She said holding up a map. I gave a tiny smile before grabbing it and leaving the room.

That's it for this chapter! Comment if I should update! Thanks for 4.7K views! Sorry this was supposed to be updated yesterday! I kinda fell asleep after a long day yesterday! No worries I will write an extra chapter to make up for it! Love You Guys!


"Trust the magic of new beginnings this is the part where you find who you are and love."


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