😊 Rumors 😊

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//Enoch's POV\\

"Is it because I asked?" I asked Emma. "No! It's because you're the eldest and always serious!" Emma exclaimed. "Shouldn't be so serious all the time," Olive teased. I just rolled my eyes and laughed. I let go of Olive's hand before grabbing the paper with the coordinates and leaving the room. I made my way to the control room to where the steering wheel was. By the time I got to the control room almost everybody except Jake and Emma and Olive were there.

I walked inside and handed the coordinates to Horace while everyone began to turn on the ship. "These are perfect," Horace said. "Except we might need a map," Horace said. "Ready for full speed ahead!" Fiona exclaimed. They began to pull up the boardwalk. "Do we even have a map?" I asked Horace. Just then I felt gentle arms wrap around my neck. In one of it's hand held a map. "You might want this," Olive's gentle voice said. I gave her a smile before taking it and handing it to Horace. Olive was warm and as soon as she let go, I was back to being cold. And my mind wanted Olive to hold on more often to feel her warmth on me once more. I began walking to the steering wheel.

I steered the ship in the direction Horace told me to go. I continued steering while everyone began chatting away. Olive helped little Claire and Bronwyn. Like a miracle I felt gentle hands wrap around my neck again providing me with more heat. I heard a bunch of ooos and awes which made me blush. Is this how people saw me and Olive as? I wondered. Did they really see us as a cute couple even though we aren't a couple? I wondered. Just because I said a bunch of stuff when she died and we held hands didn't make us a couple! Did it? I wondered. Sure I kissed her once, only when she died but that didn't make us a couple did it? I wondered.

Things hasn't changed between me and Olive has it? I mean she's the same old caring Olive. And I'm still the same old grumpy Enoch. Well sort of. I haven't been grumpy since Olive's death. Did I really fall in love with Olive and changed along the way? I wondered. Sure I flirted with her more than once but that wouldn't make us a couple right away, I wondered. I then decided to stop wondering and continue to focus on steering the ship so we could find Miss Peregrine. I always had to be serious. When we arrived we looked at the island and it was really beautiful. When we hit the surface we released the board walk and Emma came in the control room.

"Okay guys!" Emma exclaimed. "We need to send peculiars to go look for Miss Peregrine," Emma said. "First person is going to be Jake," Emma said. "Second will be Olive," Emma added. "Third is going to be Millard," Emma added. "And last will be Enoch," Emma finished. Olive let go of my neck and followed after Jake. I followed after Millard and left the control room and made my way to the board walk where Olive was waiting for me. When she saw me she smiled before holding my hand. "The island is very beautiful," Olive said. I wanted to tell her she was prettier but like I said I don't have the gut to tell her that. "It is," I replied. Me, Olive, Jake, and Millard are supposed to go ahead and find Miss Peregrine and then send someone back when we do find her. Jake was carrying the crossbow just in case we need it.

We left the ship and we were on the most beautiful beach ever. The sunset reflected into the water making it look really pretty. We made our way towards a group of trees surrounding the beach. Jake kept asking questions after seeing me and Olive holding hands. "I've only been gone for less than thirty minutes!" He exclaimed. "When did this happen?" Jake asked. We didn't say anything. "Okay fine, I'll stop asking questions," Jake said. "Yeah, don't tease Enoch. He doesn't like to be teased unless Liv teases him," Millard told Jake. I just rolled my eyes. I find it cute when Olive teases me, I thought.

We continued through the trees in search of Miss Peregrine. Before I knew it I was flirting with Olive again. Stop it Enoch! I kept telling myself. "Please don't start kissing!" Millard exclaimed. "It's already nauseating watching Hugh and Fiona flirt all day!" Millard added. "Even more nauseating watching Emma kiss Jake!" Millard added. "You saw that?" Jake asked. "Yeah," Millard replied. "You were spying on us!!!???" Jake asked Millard. "Yep and I also spied on Hugh and Fiona and also Enoch and Liv," Millard added. Just when it seemed like Jake was going to tackle Millard we heard a growl. I turned my head towards Olive whose eyes were wide open.

Even Millard stopped talking. "Is it a Hollow?" Millard whispered to Jake. "Nonsense," I whispered. "We killed them all," I added. I knew it wasn't true. I just said that to not worry Olive. "Correction we killed four Hollows, and five wights," Millard whispered. Olive let out a whimper. Great! Just great! I thought. "What do ya see Jake?" I whispered as Olive buried her head in the collar of my jacket. Claire insisted I wore one. "I don't see a Hollow," Jake said. "What about a wight?" Olive squeaked. "Ya are safe from them," I whispered to her. "I don't see any wights," Jake said. "See?" I told her. She nodded her head. The growling stopped. We continued our journey through the trees. "Millard it isn't nice to spy on people," Olive told him. "I know!" He exclaimed. "It's just it's so fun when you're in plain sight and listening and watching but nobody knows you're there because you're invisible," Millard added.

"How long have ya been spying on us?" I asked. "Oh ever since we first boarded the ship," Millard replied. "I saw the way you smiled at Liv," Millard whispered to me. What way? I wondered. Jake rushed up ahead. And I saw footsteps follow him. Meaning Millard followed Jake. "So ya nickname is Liv now?" I asked her. "Yeah," she replied. "What happened to Oli?" I asked. "I don't know," she replied. "I guess they liked Liv better," she added. I buried my hands in my jacket pockets. Olive was standing beside me shivering like crazy. Seeing her shiver reminded me of her death when she was covered in frost. "Olive ya are shivering like crazy!" I exclaimed. "Where's ya jacket?" I asked. "Bronwyn was still soaked when we boarded the ship so I gave her my jacket for her to keep warm," Olive exclaimed. She's too sweet, I thought. But she'll catch a cold, I thought. Before I knew it, I found myself unbuttoning my jacket and wrapping it around Olive.

She looked at me as if I was crazy. "I know what I'm doing," I told her. She gave me a smile before pulling the jacket closer. She was still shivering but not as much as she used to. We began to follow Jake and Millard's footsteps. "Enoch?" Olive said. "Yes?" I asked her. "I've been meaning to ask you this," Olive said. "Ok," I told her. "What exactly are we? Olive asked. To be honest I refer to Olive as my girlfriend. But we aren't exactly boyfriend and girlfriend. I mean I did cry over her death and I might of kissed her when she died. But I didn't tell her that I loved her. And she didn't say she loved me. I mean why would she. I changed but deep down I'm still the same old grumpy Enoch."I don't know," I told her. "Me neither," Olive said. "Is there rumors about us?" I asked her. "Yeah," Olive replied. "What are the rumors?" I asked her. "That you have a crush on me," Olive replied. Millard.  "What else?" I asked. "Um," Olive began. "Well, another rumor is that you and me are dating," Olive added. Millard again! "Another one was that you were going to ask Liv on a date!" A familiar voice said. Me and Olive turned around to see Horace behind us. "I spread that one," Horace said.

"Why?" I asked him. "I saw it in a dream," Horace said. "Oh and another one that I spread was that you were gonna confess your feelings for Liv," Horace added. "I also saw that in a dream," Horace added. I turned away before anyone could see my cheeks turn red. "Horace what are you doing here?" Olive asked. "You're supposed to be on the ship," Olive added. "Well you guys were taking too long so I asked Emma if I could go after you guys!" Horace explained. "Hope I didn't interrupt your flirting," Horace said. "Um," Olive said. "Oh my gosh! Liv!" Horace exclaimed. "What?" Olive asked. "You're wearing Enoch's jacket!" Horace replied. "Are you guys together already?" Horace asked. "No," me and Olive both said. "Not yet," Horace said. "My dreams never lie," Horace said before walking ahead of us.

That's it for this chapter! Sorry this is the second chapter I promised you guys yesterday! No worries I will do more chapters today! Thanks for 4.88K views! Love You Guys!


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