🌞 A Day Full Of Fun Part 1 🌞

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//Enoch's POV\\

I wanted to show Olive my new creation. I grabbed her hand and we ran upstairs. "Don't take too long, we need to get to the park in 30 minutes," Miss Peregrine exclaimed. I had my hands over Olive's eyes, leading her up the stairs. It's not the best but it something I have to show someone. We stood outside Victor's room. "It's not as cool, as my usual creations but I got bored and ran out of ideas," I explained to Olive. I made sure her eyes were closed before I opened the door. I made sure Victor was covered up.

I walked back to where Olive was standing. She was dizzy from walking up the stairs. I put my hands on her waist to keep her balanced. I walked her into the room and turned on the second light. I closed the door behind us. I removed my hands from her waist. "Ya can open them now," I told her. She opened her eyes and a gasp escaped her lips. "Do ya like it?" I asked Olive. "It's so beautiful!" Olive exclaimed. "Enoch! When did you have time to do this?" Olive asked.

"After our daily walks," I replied. She looked around the room, admiring the new decorations. Olive looked around the room. "Enoch! Olive! Hurry! We have to get to the park!" Bronwyn exclaimed. Me and Olive rushed downstairs. "The park?" Olive asked. "Yeah," I said as we were at the bottom of the stairs. Miss Peregrine was waiting at the front door for us. "We have a day full of fun planned," Miss Peregrine said. "We're going to the park to play a couple of games so grab what you guys want to take," Miss Peregrine insisted.

Fiona, Hugh, Bronwyn and Claire grabbed a couple red balls. "Dodgeball!" Claire exclaimed. "Why not some board games?" Miss Peregrine asked. I walked over to the main cabinet and grabbed the only board game, which was chess. "Okay, let's hit the park," Miss Peregrine said as I placed the board game in the sack that Bronwyn was carrying because she's the strongest one here. We walked to the park. It wasn't that far from the children's home. When we arrived there, everyone has to participate including me. If it wasn't Olive's birthday I would of complained about playing hide n seek. I hid behind a tree trunk.

//Olive's POV\\

Hide N Seek was the first game planned for today. Me and Emma hid in a tree, at the highest branch. Enoch hid behind the tree trunk, I didn't know he was there until after my conversation with Emma. "Happy 16th Birthday Olive," Emma whispered. "Thanks Emma," I whispered to her. "So how's everything going with Enoch?" Emma asked still whispering. "What do you mean?" I asked her still whispering. "Like anything going on between you two?" Emma asked still whispering. "No," I replied still whispering.

Enoch tried to listen in but he didn't want to get spotted. Fiona was the one trying to find us. We saw her coming towards the tree and silence took place. Enoch stood still trying not to move. There is no tricking Fiona, she knows your there, and won't give up until she finds you. She looked up the tree. "Found you Emma! Found you Olive!" Fiona exclaimed. I jumped down from the tree, Fiona handed me Emma's rope. I threw it up at her which she caught and tied it around her waist.

Me and Fiona started pulling Emma down and when her feet hit the ground, Fiona handed Emma her lead shoes. Emma buckled up her shoes and we untied the rope from her waist. "Thanks," Emma said. "Who's left?" I asked. "I found everybody except Enoch and Bronwyn!" Fiona exclaimed. She saw movement from behind the tree. "Found you Enoch!" Fiona exclaimed. "Come On!" Fiona exclaimed. Me, Fiona, and Emma ran. I stopped when I realized Enoch wasn't with us. I ran back to the tree. Enoch was wiping the sand out of his eyes and putting his hands through his black curly hair.

"Come on!" I exclaimed. I grabbed his arm and we ran. I guess I should've told him that we were going to run because he staggered forward. We met up with Miss Peregrine in the middle of the park right after Fiona found Bronwyn hiding behind a huge rock. "Okay that was fun!" Fiona exclaimed. "Let's play again!" Fiona exclaimed. "No! We need to get on with the next game!" Miss Peregrine exclaimed. "Okay," Fiona groaned.

That's it for Part 1! Comment if I should Update! Thanks for 490 views! And don't forget to Vote! Love You Guys!


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