🚣 Boats and Loops 🚣

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//3rd Person POV\\

"Not unless we go by boat too," Jake said looking at everyone. A few minutes later the children were swimming towards the wrecked ship that Emma hung out at. Emma blew the children oxygen bubbles so they could breathe. When Emma's feet landed on the stairs she began to blow and the water in the ship drained slowly. She took one huge spin and the water went out the windows of the sunken ship. The ship slowly began to rise. She blew at the chimneys and the water drained. The water drained and Hugh let out and huge gasp and bees flew out of his mouth.

Claire popped up and her oxygen bubble popped. She spat out water and she lifted up her wet hair and her back mouth spat out water as well. The propellers slowly began to rotate. Water in the halls and bedrooms drained in one huge wave. Jake and Bronwyn closed the door that was the control room. It was heavy for Jake but not for Bronwyn. Olive took off one of her gloves and started touching the bottom of the chimneys lighting them up for the engine to start working. When she was done she admired her work and slid her glove back on. The ship rose and began to rise to the surface slowly.

The boat tipped and Hugh, Fiona, Claire and Enoch hit a wall. Claire was in front of Fiona and Hugh was beside her. Enoch was on the other side of Fiona. The lights on the ship were shining more than ever. Everyone was determined to get the ship to the surface so Hugh and Jake held onto the wheel and started pulling on it. Claire held onto Jake and Fiona remained on the wall. Enoch kept his balance by pushing one of his arms ob the wall. He let go before he fell over. The Twins, Bronwyn and Horace were pulling at the window to help then to up. The ship rose way above the surface before hitting the water with a loud splash. Hugh, Fiona, Enoch, and Hugh stumbled forward then almost stumbled backwards.

The ship began moving forward like a normal boat. Olive entered the control room with everybody else and so did Emma. Enoch picked up Claire and held her in his arms and walked her over to the window for her to look out. The Twins were too short so Bronwyn picked them both up. The ship began to sail. Emma and Jake had to figure out where Miss Avocet's loop was. Emma pulled out the black box and Jake grabbed his grandpa's old map and unfolded at it and looked at it. Everyone else was waiting behind the closed door. Worrying well, except Enoch and Olive. A few minutes passed and Jake found her loop on the map.

"So, there's a loop here in Blackpool," Jake said pointing so Emma could see. "It's only six months old. January 11th, 2016," Jake added. "With Miss Avocet gone, it can't be reset," Jake added. "Won't the loop close?" Jake asked. "Then it's back to real time!" Emma replied. Jake began pacing. "Jake! You know what this means, don't you?" Emma asked. "You're gonna die!" Jake exclaimed turning around to face Emma.

"That's not what I mean," Emma told him. "We have to get back to our own time, but you don't," Emma said. "You can continue to live in 2016," Emma added. "But why would I do that?" Jake asked. "If we kill Barron..." Emma began. "He'll be gone, but time will carry on," Emma said. "He won't go to Florida..." Emma began. "Abe won't die!" Emma exclaimed. "And you can go home," Emma added. Jake let out a soft sigh.

"I could see my grandpa," Jake said. Jake turned around to see a tear roll down Emma's cheek she looked away before Jake could see. He walked up to her. "Listen, I can explain everything to them," Jake told Emma referring to his family. "I can persuade them to take me to the island and..." Jake didn't finish. He saw Emma shaking her head side to side. "Wait, will you still be there?" Jake asked. Emma shook her head no. "Our old loop's gone for good," Emma replied. "We wouldn't see each other again," Emma added.

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