😡 A Stalker 😡

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//Enoch's POV\\

I guess Olive didn't want to risk anything because she slipped her gloves back on. Olive laid her head on my shoulder a few seconds later. I laid my head on top of hers. We almost drifted off to sleep when we both heard a click of a camera. I opened my eyes to see Claire, Bronwyn, and Fiona giggling at the door. I shot them a glare and they shrieked before running off. Olive was warm. It didn't take long before we heard a scream. Olive's head shot up and she looked at me. "Was that Emma?" Olive asked. "I believe so," I replied. Me and Olive stumbled to our feet and rushed onto the deck. Beside Emma was a guy. I couldn't see his face but I could see the back of the guy's head.

He had straight black hair and wore a black jacket. The man turned around and sure enough it was Jake. "How did you get here?" Emma asked. "It's a long story," Jake replied. "Let's just say I went through a bunch of loops," Jake added. I took a glance at Emma and she was happy. Jake looked happy too. I don't know why I was ever jealous of Jake. He loves Emma. Not Olive. I was happy as well. I thought Olive died. Which scared me. I wouldn't know what I would do if I lost Olive. Olive is my everything. She brought me out of my moodiness she helped me to not shut people out.

I know realized some parts of what Victor meant the day he died. When he said I needed to survive for Olive. It kind of sounded like he knew something that I didn't. Besides if I died then Olive wouldn't be alive right now. The day the Hollow that killed Victor came back Olive wouldn't had survived. Because if I wasn't there then the Hollow would of grabbed Olive and she would of been like Victor. If I wasn't alive we wouldn't of found Olive when she went missing. That's when it hit me. Olive was knocked out in the woods that day.

She said she saw something and she was hit on the head and everything went black. "I'm so happy for you guys!" Olive exclaimed to Emma and Jake. "I'm so happy for you guys!" Emma exclaimed. "Thanks," Olive said. "Well, how long will you be staying?" Emma asked Jake. "My grandpa said I can stay as long as I want," Jake replied. "Yay!" Emma exclaimed. "Let's go tell everyone!" Emma exclaimed she grabbed Jake's arm and rushed off leaving me and Olive on the deck. She stared at the horizon with her hands on the railing. I walked over and stood next to her.

"I know ya don't want to talk about it but the night ya went missing ya said ya saw something," I told her. "Yeah," she said. "What did ya see?" I asked. "I didn't see something. I saw someone. A person. A man," Olive replied. "A man?" I asked. "Yeah," Olive said. "What did he look like?" I asked. "I don't remember much but, he was my age," Olive began. "He had brown hair and he was really tall," Olive added. "He wore a plaid shirt and jeans and he wore brown shoes," Olive added. "He looked hurt which is why I followed him into the woods," Olive added.

I know Olive and she is really sweet. She helps those who need it. Even if it is a stranger. "What happened next?" I asked. "Well after I followed him he took off running," Olive added. "I took off running after him and my flower crown fell off. I didn't have time to run back for it," Olive added. "I followed him but after a few seconds he disappeared," Olive said. "I was lost and couldn't find my way back," Olive added. "I heard my name being called," Olive said. "'Olive' is what he kept saying," Olive added. "I asked him how he knew my name," Olive said.

"He didn't reply he just took off," Olive explained. "Remember the night Victor died?" Olive asked. "Yeah," I replied. "Remember when he was telling us about his friend he snuck out to keep company?" Olive asked. "Yeah," I replied. "I think the person I saw was him," Olive said. "Are ya sure?" I asked. "Positive," Olive replied. "The man said something to me, I don't remember his exact words but I could make out a few words," Olive said. "He mentioned 'Victor' then he mentioned me, then he said 'Hollow' then he mentioned you," Olive said. Me? Why would a total stranger mention me? "Me?" I asked. "Yeah," Olive replied.

"I took a closer look and realized he wore dark sunglasses," Olive said. "I noticed his eyes," Olive added. "His eyes?" I asked. "Yeah," Olive replied."What color were they?" I asked. "They weren't brown like yours, or blue like Emma's or green like mine, and they weren't hazel like Claire's," Olive said. "They weren't?" I asked. "No," Olive replied. "They were white," Olive said. "He was a wight," Olive said. "He said something about me coming with him or he'll hurt someone I love," Olive said. "I didn't want that and I didn't want to go with him," Olive said. "I refused and he disappeared," Olive added. "I looked all around for the man but he never appeared," Olive explained.

"Before I knew it I heard a growl and I let out a scream then something hit me in the head and everything went black," Olive added. "I went to look for ya, but when I found ya nobody was there," I told her. "Like I said, he likes to disappear," Olive stated. "I started seeing him everywhere I went, like he was following me," Olive added. "I saw him when Emma went missing, the day Jacob arrived and the night our house was bombed," Olive added. "Wow," I said. "Yeah, he's like a stalker," Olive said. We heard our names being called and me and Olive rushed into the main room. Some random stranger is stalking Olive. Why? I thought. And why did he want Olive to come with him? I thought.

That's it for this chapter! Comment if I should update! Thanks for 4.47K Views! And don't forget to vote! Love You Guys!


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