🌞 A Day Full Of Fun Part 2 🌞

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//Olive's POV\\

Miss Peregrine let us cool off for a few seconds while she got the next game ready. She put tape down the middle of the part where we were playing and she placed 5 balls on the line. She then took the tape and made a huge box around the line. "Girls on this side," she said pointing to her right but our left. "Your captain is Olive," Miss Peregrine said.

//Enoch's POV\\

"Boys on this side," Miss Peregrine said pointing to her left but our right. "Your captain is Enoch," Miss Peregrine said. Why me? Why not Horace, or Hugh, or Millard? The twins never leave each other so I understand why they are not captain. Everyone went to their sides as Miss Peregrine told us the rules. "Everyone must participate," Miss Peregrine said. Olive was fixing her braid. "If you get hit your out! BUT if you catch the ball you can bring in a teammate that is out," Miss Peregrine explained.

//Olive's POV\\

I continued to fix my braid as Miss Peregrine continued to explain the rules. "Everyone get in your positions," Miss Peregrine said. We all stood at the back of our spots on the line. "Ready........." Miss Peregrine began. "Set............" Miss Peregrine added. "GO!" Miss Peregrine exclaimed. We all ran up and started to grab balls. Me and Fiona grabbed a ball. Enoch, Millard and Horace each grabbed a ball. Fiona threw her ball, which hit Hugh. Millard threw his ball, which hit Fiona. They were both out.

//3rd Person POV\\

Horace carefully threw his ball. He didn't want to hurt anyone small. His ball hit Claire gently. Claire was out. Olive threw her ball hoping it hit some one on the opposing team. It hit Horace. Millard threw his ball at Olive. Olive thought she was going to get out but she raised her hands just in time to catch the ball. Millard was out. Olive called in Fiona. Enoch threw his ball and it hit Emma. Olive threw her ball and it hit the twins.

Enoch was the only one left on the boys side. He was tempted to get some one in his team back in. Olive, Fiona and Bronwyn had all the balls on their side. His main goal is to get Millard back in the game. Olive held 2 balls, Fiona held 2 balls and Bronwyn held 1. Olive didn't want to throw her ball at Enoch but she has no choice. She threw it. Enoch dodges it by spinning to the left.

Olive threw her ball again but this time she missed. Enoch quickly picked up the ball that Olive threw. He picked it up just in time to block Fiona's incoming ball. He threw the ball and missed. Bronwyn threw her ball and Enoch caught it. He called in Millard. Bronwyn was out. When Fiona thought Enoch was distracted she threw her other ball. Enoch caught that one too and he called in Horace.

Olive was the only one left on her side. Its time to use my childhood skills she thought. She started remembering useful tips she learned as a child. Horace threw his ball and so did Millard and Enoch. Here I go, she thought. She caught the first ball. Making Horace be out. She used the first ball to block the second ball. And she hit the deck when Enoch's ball came towards her. Olive called in Emma. "Great job," Emma said. "Thanks! Incoming on your left," Olive told Emma. Emma blocked Millard's ball.

It was two on two. Emma was too occupied blocking Enoch's balls that she couldn't help up Olive. Millard had a ball and if Olive stood up he could get her out instantly. The only way she could get out was to roll. Olive picked up a ball. "Emma!" Olive exclaimed throwing the ball for Emma to catch.

//Olive's POV\\

Everything happened so fast. I threw a ball at Emma to help her out. She used it to block Enoch's ball. He didn't have a ball to use. I started to get up. Millard threw his ball, Enoch found a ball to use. Emma threw her ball as well. I didn't have a ball to use. I was able to see that, Emma's ball made it's way towards Enoch. He moved his head and the ball slid past him. When I was on my feet I was able to grab a ball. I held out my hands and before I knew it, a ball hit me in the stomach and I collapsed on the ground.

//3rd Person POV\\

Millard's ball hit Olive in the stomach. Soon enough, Olive's ball flew from her hands. Emma grabbed another ball and threw it at Millard. She missed. Millard grabbed a ball and threw it at Emma and it hit her. Enoch was worried, not about Emma but about Olive. After Millard hit her, she never got up, not once Just then Miss Peregrine called a timeout and rushed over to Olive. So did Enoch. "Olive, are ya okay?" Miss Peregrine and Enoch asked at the same time.

No answer. Suddenly Olive moved and held up the ball that hit her. "Caught it," Olive said. "Well Millard, guess you're out," Miss Peregrine said. Millard groaned and he went and sat down. Enoch smiled. "Great catch," Enoch said as he helped Olive up. "Thanks," Olive said. "Ya sure ya gonna be okay?" Enoch asked. "Yes, I'm going to be fine," Olive said. "But I don't want to throw the ball again, I mean you're already hurt," Enoch said. "Don't worry about me, good luck on winning this game," Olive said."Okay! Listen up! Emma! Olive! Enoch! You guys ready to win this!" Miss Peregrine exclaimed. "Yeah! We're ready!" Olive said. "To kick Enoch's butt," Emma whispered to Olive.

//Enoch's POV\\

I just like when people talk about you and they don't know you can hear them. I've been made fun of, when I was a kid. Things about how a boy who could raise the dead couldn't play dodgeball, or anything normal kids could play. Now's my chance to prove it. Olive told me good luck. What did she mean by 'good luck' I thought. She was being nice. The balls were limited to four. And we started all over again just me, Emma and Olive. "GO!" Miss Peregrine exclaimed.

We ran. Emma grabbed two balls. I grabbed a ball and Olive grabbed a ball. Emma threw one of hers which I blocked with my own. Now's my chance I thought. I threw my ball gently not wanting to hurt Emma or Olive, whichever one it hit. It hit Emma in the arm and Emma went and sat down. Olive gave me a smile. Good luck on winning this game her voice echoed through my head. For once in my life I felt something. I felt like maybe I could do this. And with that being said I gave Olive a look. A look that told her to throw the ball.

Olive threw the ball and it was coming at me. I jumped to the right and it flew past me. I threw the ball and Olive blocked it. She threw her ball and I caught it. Olive was out and the game was over. Everyone cheered for a good game being played. "That's enough excitement for one day let's settle down with some games of chess," Miss Peregrine said. I nodded at the idea.

//3rd Person POV\\

The kids did decide to settle down with a game of chess. They were back home and Miss Peregrine was cleaning up the park. It got quite messy playing dodgeball and she didn't want the police on their tails. Olive sat and watched the game of chess, she had a blanket around her and a warm cup of tea. She sat in front of the fireplace to keep warm.

Enoch loved to play chess and he was beating everybody at it. Including Miss Peregrine when she got back. "May I try?" Olive asked. She walked over and sat in front of the chess board. "Ya sure ya can handle it?" Enoch teased. Olive gave him a look before she sat down. A few minutes later, Enoch kept Olive distracted while Miss Peregrine and the kids separately snuck out of the room to bring the presents into the living room.

It didn't take long. "Checkmate!" Olive exclaimed. Enoch looked down at the board then at Olive. "I might not be that good at dodgeball but I do know how to play chess," Olive explained. "My dad taught me how to play," Olive added. "He taught me that you should never leave your king unprotected! Which in this case, you did!" Olive exclaimed. "Is that so," Enoch asked. "Yeah," Olive replied.

She helped him clean up. "You did a great job playing dodgeball today," Olive told Enoch. "Ya were better," Enoch told Olive. "No, the way you dodged my ball was really cool," Olive told Enoch. Just then Miss Peregrine came in. Announcing that it was present opening time.

That's it for this chapter! Don't forget to comment if I should update! And don't forget to Vote! Also Thank You for 500 views! Love You Guys!


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