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I blinked a few times. My head spun as the world came into focus, 'Is anyone there?' I shouted as loud as I could. 

'Emilie is that you?' Jaymes...Thank god, 'Are you hurt?'

'I'm crushed under some rock!' I said. 

'Sorry.' He said.

'What for?' I shouted back confused. 

'I couldn't hold all of it. I must've miss you.' Soon the rock on my shifted and I was bale to stand. I got up and crawled towards his voice, 'Sorry again.'


'Yep.' He said and Aaron, Tomas and Olivia along with Nathaniel were sitting at his feet, a huge dome had been created.

'How long have you known?'

'Two years. I've been working on it privately.' He said, bashful. 

'Thank god you did otherwise we would all be dead.' I laughed, 'Can you get us out?'

'But of course. I only waited to hear a response form you. Above us the Underground have delcared us dead. They are moving out now and best not screa them.'

'That bastard!' Tomas stood and hit a wall, 'How...how could he do this to us?'

'He's an Alien thug. The bastard has been setting us up and now he wants us dead. When he finds out we survived, he won't hesitate and try again you know that?' Nathaniel said, his voice shaking. 

Aaron nodded and looked at each of us in turn, 'We need to get out quicklly and track Guy down.' 

Olivia grunted and grabbed Aaron's leg, 'Aaron, how can we...we...get him?'

Aaron got down and sat next to her and lifted her upper body onto his lap, 'Olivia, we will exterminate them all. We need an expert in smoking them out, we need an exterminator, I know the perfect man for the job.'

'Who?' Jaymes said as he started to part the earth above us, 'Aaron don't you go and keeping secrets from us too.' 

'I'm not.' He smiled.

'Don't smile,' I said, 'It's creepy.'

'Shut up firebeath.' He snapped and looked at us with an unnatural spark of life, 'This friend of mine can really help us out. Guys, the Underground isn't worth shit to us anymore. We are on our own and if we don't do something now, nothing will ever get done.' Aaron's eyes dropped, 'This is our chance now.'

'Well I'm with you mate.' Tomas said. 

'Same here.' Nathaniel grinned. 

Olivia nodded and Jaymes agreed, 'Emilie?' 

I stared at my feet, I could feel a woosh of clean air and coughed as dust splashed around us, 'Our time is now. Let's go.' We began our accent into the world, everything we once knew was all gone. We stood on that bloodied street, alien blood mixing with the red rivers of human life. Gagging, we made our way down the road away from the stench.

'We need weapons, food, water and shelter for the night,' Nathaniel said.

Aaron nodded and sat Olivia down, 'Tomas you go and find any spare weapons from the battle grounds, ammunition anything. Jaymes you go find food and water, be careful some may be poisoned by the dead.' They took off and he looked at me, his black hair rippled in the winds, his icey blue eyes glued to mine, 'You go find shelter.' His tone was ice to match his eyes. 

'Up?' He nodded, 'We'll need an easy place for Olivia to get to, maybe we can salvage her armour?' 

'Thats not possible,' Nathaniel said, his fingers swiped over a small screen and he palced a small flat rectangular shaped box on the ground and a bigger screen popped up, 'I was tracking it, becuase I was sure Guy would run off with it.' 

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