Cake it is.

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A/N: The song on the side was suggested by scaringsophie. It's so cute, or at least I think so.


 "Are you going to stay mad at me for the rest of the day? If you are it's going to be kind of hard to have a I'm sorry day." Tyler told me as he drove.

I rolled my eyes and continued looking out the window. The sun was just now starting to come up. He woke me up this morning way too early so if he thinks I'm going to be cooperative today, he has another thing coming.

"Come on baby, talk to me. I'm bored."

"I have nothing to say to you."

I could practically hear that arrogant smirk appearing on his face. "You'll be a little less mad when you see where we're going."

"Am I going to be able to function? I can't walk a lot." I decided not to use the crutches today. Of course Tyler put them in the back seat just incase I wanted them later, but I'm going to try really hard to get back to normal.

"You should be fine. If all else fails I'll carry you."

"I don't want you within a five foot radius of me today."

He laughed. "You know if you stay mad at me I'm just going to have to make it up to you again. Which means another day like this."

"If you ever wake me up before the sun rises again, I will make sure you can't have children."

"Will you lighten up. You're going to have fun today."

He better be praying I do because I'm not joking about hurting him. I hate waking up early unless I'm going running. I can't go running because I'm injured therefore I should be home in my nice, warm bed. But no, I'm here with Tyler in his freezing car.

"Why is it so cold in here?" I asked, rubbing my arms.

He turned the air conditioning off. "Sorry. Bently keeps the thing on full blast and I'm not really bothered by it."

"Why did we take Bently's car anyway?"

"Because I didn't want to put you on my bike again. Plus Bently wants a reason to use the bike for a day. Something about impressing some chick."

"Will he ever settle down?" I mumbled more to myself.

"Doubt it." Tyler said, rolling his eyes.

That bugged me. I've moved passed what Bently did to me, but I would think he would have learned something from it. Like stop being such a player and try to find someone he can love. Josh has done it, Adam will eventually, even Tyler seems to be in a potentially long lasting relationship.

"How long has it been since you had ice cream cake?" Tyler asked suddenly.

I thought for a moment. "I don't know, a couple of months I guess. Why?"

"Want it for breakfast?"

I smiled. "Isn't that a little unhealthy?"

"I eat like a million apples a day, and you run like crazy, I think we can afford to eat cake."

"Hey I wasn't saying no, I was just asking a question. I'm all for it."

He chuckled. "Cake it is."


I'm not sure exactly where we were or what this place was called. It looks like a Baskin Robbins knock off though. We were standing in line behind an old couple trying to decide what they wanted. I was kind of leaning on Tyler for support, and something told me by the time these people made a decision I was going to fall over.

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