Why are you on my floor?

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A/N: This chapter upsets me because I had what I wanted in my head, and I couldn't get it right on paper. Anyway, hope you enjoy it. :)


I sighed and rolled over, painfully, again. I just want to chop my ankle off. It might make it feel better than it does now. It wasn't broken, like I knew it wouldn't be. It was just severely sprained. The doctor told me that the first two days would be the most painful, but after that I should be able to handle it. He said that it would take about two weeks for me to get completely back to normal. Two long weeks...

I know I didn't sleep hardly at all, but I don't remember anything during the night. This pain medicine messing with me. I heard something move on my floor and jumped.

"What the hell?!" I yelled, looking down at Tyler.

He sat up and stretched. "Good morning to you too baby."

"Why are you on my floor?"

"I slept here. Someone had to alternate between putting ice and heat on your ankle. You were so out of it, so it wasn't going to be you."

"You stayed here the whole night to take care of me?" As sweet as that was, it was completely unnecessary. I couldn't really yell at him though because he didn't do anything wrong.

"Yep. You were talking out of your mind too. Apparently, Josh stole your purple shoes and you have to get them back before the evil monkeys come to take you away. Do you know any evil monkeys?" He asked.

I giggled. "It's the meds, they make me crazy. What else did I say?"

"I don't know. Most of it was a bunch mumbling to yourself because you were half asleep. A lot was slurred."

As long as I wasn't talking about anything personal, I'm ok. But if I did, Tyler probably wouldn't tell me about it. I guess I'll never know.

"How bad does this hurt?" He asked, uncovering my ankle.

I flinched as he touched it lightly. "It still hurts." I said through my teeth.

"Sorry." He apologized. "The swelling has gone down."

"Good. Help me wrap it up and then I need to go downstairs and get food."

He smiled and put grabbed the wrap to put on my ankle. This is where Tyler gets confusing. One minute he can be a conceded jerk, and the next he's being the sweetest guy in the world. Like right now, you would think I'm the most fragile thing in the world.

"You should go home Tyler. Get some sleep, I'll be fine." The circles under his eyes bother me.

"I'm not leaving until I know that you are ok for me to go. And then I'm going to take a really fast shower, change clothes, and come back here. It's my fault this happened, so I'm taking care of it."

I sighed. There's no arguing with him on this. When Tyler sets his mind on something, you can't get him to change it. Sometimes it's a good thing and other times it's annoying. Right now I don't know what it is.

He handed me the crutches and I stood up. "You really don't have to stay. I've been on crutches enough in my life to know what I'm doing."

"Do you want to get rid of me?" He asked.

"No, I just don't want you going out of your way for me."

"I'm not going out of my way. Now lets move."

I followed him out the door and hobbled my way down the stairs. "Ok, I'm down stairs." I told Tyler. "You go home and I'll do what I need to do here. I've got this, I promise."

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