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By the time I got back to my dorm, Yukio was already asleep, but the others were still awake. I decided to talk to Shura, so I knocked on her closed door. She answered in a baggy shirt and pj bottoms, which was quite uncharacteristic of her. She raised an eyebrow and ask what I wanted. "I want to start my Meister training."

She huffed, "you do realize that you're still an exwire, right?" I nodded and she sighed, ushering me into her room. "Why do you want to go ahead of schedule when you are already behind? Shouldn't you catch up first?"

"I wouldn't say I'm behind. Before Mephisto shipped my brother and I away, I was already two sections ahead of everyone, in every class." She gave me a look of disbelief, and I shrugged, "that's what happens when you're on house arrest."

She chuckled and asked a few questions to make sure I wasn't bluffing. When she was satisfied, she sat down on her bed and kicked her legs up. "Okay, so you're caught up, but that doesn't explain why you want to go ahead of schedule."

Again, I shrugged, "what's so wrong with wanting to excel in something you love?"

"You love exorcism?" Again, she didn't believe me.

"It runs in the family, I guess." She stared at me for a moment and I sighed. "I don't want anyone getting hurt because of who I am, and if exorcism helps protect the lives of innocent people, I'm all in." She just kept staring at me and it was kinda becoming awkward.

Finally, she mumbled under her breath, "like father like son." To be compared to my father, instead of the sperm donor everyone hates, it was a wonderful feeling. It made me that much more determined to prove everyone wrong. That I, Rin Okumura, wasn't the horrible spawn of Satan that people feared. Instead, I was the dignified son of the former Paladin, who wanted to follow in his footsteps and make him proud.

She sighed, bringing me out of my daze. "Fine, you and I will start your knight training a little ahead of schedule." I was about to thank her wholeheartedly, but she cut me off and held a finger up. "But, that won't happen until you prove that we can trust you one hundred percent. No more cuts, no more burns, no fighting, and you keep your grades up. Got it?"

I nodded happily, I could do that, I could definitely do that. She saw my smirk and shook her head, "you're one hell of a weird kid, you know that?" She played with a strand of her yellow tipped hair, "when I first met you, you were snarky as hell." She tsked, "not that I can say anything, I'm the same way. But," she huffed, "the next time I saw you, you were an absolute wreck, and you stayed that way for awhile." I couldn't tell if this little speech was supposed to be a compliment or not, but so far, I wasn't feeling any better about myself.

She continued on, "and your brother was the same way. I actually feared one of you might end it all and kill yourself, which would most likely end in the other's demise as well." Wow, that was a fucking morbid thought, and I didn't like the idea of Yukio... yeah. "However," she gave me a look I couldn't quite place, "you two have changed, again. You're not back to normal, that's for sure. But you're both a lot stronger than you were before." She smirked, "I'm proud of you."

For the hundredth time that night, I blushed heavily. She chuckled, "don't let all this go to your head though, it'll be your downfall sooner or later." She yawned and then stretched a bit, and I recalled how late it was. "You and your brother..." she trailed off, but I could tell she was close to ending this discussion. "You're a force to be reckoned with. If you can pull off becoming an exorcist, I think you could change the world. Separately, you and your brother are strong, but partnered up, the demons should fear for their lives."

She chuckled once more, "now get out of my room, I'm tired. You should go to bed as well." I agreed quickly and did as I was told. Later on, while I lay in bed, I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I turned on my side and gazed at Yukio's sleeping form as the moonlight basked our room. I had a feeling the two of us would be inseparable for awhile, and I was positive that we would never let our relationship slip away again. We've learned a hefty lesson from the past year's events, and I believed Shura's words: we were stronger.

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