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"Ow! What the hell!" I was panting and my entire body ached. I tried looking up at whoever had me pinned, but I couldn't see them. In front of me, sitting casually on his bed, was Hito. He didn't seem very fazed by what was happening and I was curious if things like this happened often. "You're hurting me, can you please let go?" Their grip was tight on my wrists and they were cutting my circulation off, not to mention that they were pressing against my spine, as well.

The doorway was just in my view, so I was able to see when Naomi came walking in, a solemn expression on her face. She kneeled down next to me, pushing the hair from my eyes. "I came as quick as possible, what happened?" The person on top of me started speaking and I realized that it was a male.

I cut him off, "can you please move? I can't feel my fucking fingers over here." Naomi nodded and I sighed with relief as the man shifted off of me. I pushed myself off the floor and quickly crawled away from them, sitting closer to the wall opposite of the door and preparing myself just in case they decided to tackle me again. "Why the hell did you do that? I wasn't even doing anything!"

Naomi held her hands out in a careful manner, like I was fragile and she was afraid to break me. Fuck you. "Rin, calm down, okay? Do you know what happened?"

I swallowed hard, going over my previous frantic thoughts. "I can only assume I was panicking." The male nodded and started speaking to Naomi in a hushed tone. I sighed and looked over at Hito, who was chuckling, what a fuckface. Did he call them here, and how? How long was I out of it?

"Rin?" My mouth formed a line as I returned my gaze to her. "Are you okay?" I sighed and nodded, "can you stand?" Again, I nodded, rising to my feet. She followed after me and took slow steps forward until she reached me. "May I see?" She spotted my puzzled look and elaborated, "you hurt yourself." Oh, I looked down and pulled up my sleeves, revealing scratches and bleeding marks on both wrists. I sighed and let her look at my wounds, she was very wary of me and it set me on edge.

"I'm not going to bite you, you don't have to be so careful." She shot a glance up at my face before returning her examination of my arms. I looked at the other individuals in the room, "how did you guys know?" Hito didn't seem like the type to go all the way down to the first floor for a simple anxiety attack, well, not so simple, but you know what I mean. How did he even who who my psychiatrist was?

The man spoke up, "the call button." A wrinkle formed between my brows as he pointed toward the door. I spotted a small panel, almost like a light switch, located slightly askew from the actual light switch. Their was a blue button with the word 'call' labeled above it. Well, I felt kinda stupid now, but how was I supposed to notice something like that? The man continued talking, "we want everyone to have a roommate just in case of instances like this. We also want you to have someone to talk to and become close with, but if you were to have an anxiety attack or you were having a lapse in self control, your roommate would hit that button. It signals the front desk, the nurses, and the psychiatrist assigned to that hallway."

Ah, so Hito hit the button, and Naomi was the psychiatrist for everyone in this hall? I looked over at my sociopathic roomie, and I kinda felt bad for Naomi. Speak of the Devil, she started tilting my head to the side and I cussed when I fingers hit sore skin. She tsked, "You'll need to get these cleaned, and we definitely don't want this happening again. Should we trim your nails?" I looked down at my already short fingernails, if they were to get any shorter, it'd hurt. I shook my head and she seemed to understand my reasoning.

She was thoughtful, "we didn't talk much about it in my office, but I should really bring it up. Mr. Faust has given us permission to prescribe you and your brother medication, but it's ultimately up to you whether or not you want them."

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