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The next day at school, I started to notice some dirty looks from my peers. However, I ignored them, most likely it was just another girl trying to spread rumors so I would notice her. There was word that I had punched a girl awhile back, but it had resolved itself within the day. Most people knew my personality, and they couldn't see me doing such horrible things without a reason.

I sat down in literature class and groaned when I realized that we were having a semester exam soon. Test after test would be on my desk, fucking yay. I sat down in my seat and looked over to my right, noticing that Stacey wasn't in her spot. I shuddered, not sure how to handle the situation with her. I couldn't report her because it'd expose what Sato and us were doing. So, I would have to figure out a way to calm her crazy ass before she decided to do something stupid again.

I felt something hit the back of my head and l looked down to see that someone had thrown an eraser at me. I looked back, an unamused expression on my face. I spotted an angry looking dude and sighed. "What's your issue, man?"

He scoffed, "don't play dumb asshole, you're my issue." Some of the kids next to him agreed and I furrowed my brows. What crawled up his ass? He slammed his fist on the desk and I jumped. "We heard what you did to Stacey."

My eyes grew wide, "she told?"

He growled, "of course she fucking told, you prick. You hurt her!" I was about to clarify that it was Katsu that had knocked her out, but I decided to leave him out of it.

"She came after me, first! You would've done the same if you were in my situation."

He stood up from his chair, "you're such a piece of shit, Okumura! She didn't ask for it!" I paused, getting the feeling that we weren't exactly on the same page.

"Wait..." I stared at his brooding posture and I swallowed hard. "What exactly did she say happened?" If I'm correct, it wouldn't make sense for her to tell anyone about yesterday. She'd be the blame, so what would she...

"Mr. Okumura? You've been called to Sir Pheles' office." I shifted my gaze from the teen to my hag of a teacher, a heavy feeling beginning to form in my stomach. I stood from my desk and slowly walked out of the room, my classmates gossiping behind me.

I speed-walked to Mephisto's office, the rock in my stomach growing heavier with every footsteps. I pushed open the door and stared at the people inside. Mephisto was in his chair, a sullen look on his face. Next to him was a woman in a blouse and skirt, carrying a suitcase. And next to her was an officer, his eyes piercing into mine. I walked up to the desk, placing my hands on it harshly.

"Mephisto, what the hell is going on?" My voice was shaking, and I had a feeling I knew what was happening, but I needed confirmation. "Everyone's acting weird and treating me like a criminal. Someone told me Stacey said something happened last night, but I don't know exactly what. What is going on? Who are you?" I was frantic as I looked up at the woman.

"Sit down, Rin. We need to talk." Mephisto pointed to the chair and I stepped back, my calves hitting the cushion before I shakily sat down, shoving my face into my hands.

"Mephisto... she can't possibly be accusing me of..." I rubbed my face roughly, my heart starting to hammer against my chest.

I heard the woman speak up, "Rin? My name is Carol Walker, I'm a social worker on this case. Last night, a girl claimed that you sexually assaulted her. Now, I want to hear everything you did yesterday." I lifted my head and looked at her, a social worker? She looked indifferent, so she must not be bias to Stacey's story. Thank god, maybe she would understand...

I scooted forward in my chair, gripping the armrests. "I didn't do that! I don't even like her that way. She's crazy, she tried to kiss me yesterday at lunch, but I shoved her away. She even went berserk after school and attacked me!"

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