Prove Yourself

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"Mr. Okumura, seeing as how you had the highest grade on yesterday's homework, please read the next chapter out loud for everyone to hear." I inwardly groaned, stupid old hag must have known I hated speaking in class, so she tormented me while praising me to get me to cooperate. I nodded and read the passages loudly, adding emphasis where needed. We were reading The Omen, and it was actually kind of interesting. So far, these parents lost their newborn son, and the father was convinced to adopt a baby whose mother just died at the same moment. Strange events were happening around the house and no one knew why. Of course, all of us reading the book knew it was the kid who was causing the havoc.

"Thank you, Mr. Okumura, that's all that will be read in class. The rest of the book will be finished in your spare time, we will have a quiz on it next week. That's it for class today, stay in your seats until the bell rings." The old hag sat down in her desk, taking a sip of her coffee, but I wasn't an idiot, I knew their was liquor in there. Her breath always smelled of Bailey's Irish Creme, and it seemed to get worse toward the end of the school day, like now.

The kids around me started to chatter and I felt someone tap my arm. I looked over to see a girl with lavender eyes, pretty lavender eyes. "You're really smart, aren't you?"

I couldn't help but laugh, "uh, if you asked anyone who knew me, they'd say no, I'm as dumb as a door nail. Why?"

She brushed her caramel colored hair behind her ears, "I don't think you're dumb, I'm in your Algebra class, too, I'm Stacey." She held her hand out to me and I shook it, her skin was surprisingly calloused.

"Stacey, that's an English name..."

"Yeah, I moved here from Canada last year, my parents got divorced so my dad brought me back to his home country." She definitely had a western look to her face, and I wished that would've fit my type, but sadly it didn't, I liked my Oriental girls. "Anyway, you seemed to have caused quite the buzz here, seeing as how it's only the third day of the school year."

I started shoving my books in my bag, realizing how little time we had left of class, "Yeah, I don't understand it either. I'm just a freshman, I'm supposed to in the shadows for the most part." The bell rang and we both rose from our seats, she gave me a thumbs up and left with a group of girls who started to immediately giggle. What was that about? Oh well, I had cram school to go to, fucking yay.


Again, I had been the first one out of the door when cram school was finished, but I barely made it passed the threshold when someone yanked on my shoulder, I could guess who, as well. "Are you going straight to the dorm? Or are you going to create more problems for me?" His tone was callous and a glared up at him, why can't he just let this go? I'm capable of handling myself.

I pulled myself from his grip but he just grabbed a handful of my jacket instead, the others were waiting to leave and the room was starting to grow tense. "I've got plans, alright? Can you hold down the fort without me?" I saw his eyes narrow.

Rooster kid chimed in, his name was... Suger or something, I didn't give a fuck. "Uh, Sensei, is everythi-"

"Don't mouth off to me, Nii-san. I can easily make your life hell around here." That last sentence was delivered in a low tone, but I didn't doubt some of the others heard it too.

"You already do that just by being in my life, now let go of me, asshole." I tried shoving him off me but he slammed me into the doorframe, um, ow?

His next words were definitely too low for anyone but me to hear, not that anyone would've heard because they were all whispering worriedly to each other. I'd be concerned too if my teacher suddenly lost his shit and pinned a student against the doorframe. "You little runt, I should've shot you yesterday when I had the chance. You fucked up my life royally when you killed Dad, now you're pestering me on a daily basis. What's you're deal?"

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