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I had decided to take a shower because I honestly felt disgusting. Sweat and blood isn't exactly attractive, but then again, who would be looking at me? When I exited the bathroom, squeaky clean, I noticed that my cuts were nearly gone, the usual purple discolorations taking their place. I sighed, I definitely regretted doing that now. It had been a dumb idea to start with, but I didn't think it would create such a fuss. That group of girls has most likely spread this new gossip like wildfire. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone at school would know by the end of the day.

I had been laying in bed when I finally got a solid answer about that, starting with a phone call: I glanced at the screen and accepted it, sighing. "Hmm?" I hummed and Yukio groaned through the line, he didn't need to say anything for me to guess what was on his mind. "Any new gossip at school?" My sarcastic tone was matched with a bitchy flick of the wrist and eye roll. I knew he couldn't see me, but honestly, when did I ever do things for the sake of others?

"You fucking cut yourself?! When I handed over that box, I didn't think you'd use them. Good Christ, Rin!" I could picture him rubbing his face in aggravation, but I had no idea where he was. If he was talking freely about this topic, he must be alone. I pulled the phone away from my ear to glance at the time, school was out, and cram school was going to begin soon.

"Sorry, it was a dumb idea, I was just curious what it felt like, I guess. Don't worry, I tossed them afterward."

He didn't sound any less frustrated, though. "That doesn't change the fact that every knows you self harm now." I sat up on the mattress and crossed my legs. Nothing could change that, I'd just have to live with the mistake I made. This was no different than what I've been going through lately, just another fuck up to add to the list. Yukio sighed, "but some of them seemed to have changed."

"Huh?" Who has changed, and how?

"Some of the students, they almost look sorry when they found out. There was even a girl who had defended you in a conversation I overheard. I guess some of them feel guilty now that someone got hurt, it serves them right." I stared out the window at a nearby tree, the leaves beginning to rustle as the wind blew through them. I wasn't sure how I felt about this, I was just being pitied by them. No one was truly apologetic, like Yukio said, they felt guilty. However, pity was a lot better than hate, in my opinion.

There was silence between us for a few moments, and I thought about today's events. "Yukio... Sato found out. Well, he was the first one to see, I guess." I huffed and rubbed my forehead, pushing my bangs away from my face. "That's not the point, though. He's going to - actually, he already told Mephisto about this. What do you think will happen?"

He remained silent and I was curious if I had accidentally hung up at some point. His voice reassured me that I hadn't, however. "With everything that has been going on, I think Mephisto will overlook it, for now. But I highly doubt he will keep this on the back burner for long, he is our legal guardian." He chuckled, "he should give a fuck about us, we are technically related."

My eyes widened, "huh?!"

He chuckled again, "I suppose you wouldn't know about that. Mephisto is a son of Satan, just like us, but he's not human, as you can tell." Well damn, nothing like finding out you had a half-sibling after fifteen goddamn years. I feel like I've seen a few movies were a half-sibling was the legal guardian for other siblings, probably a Disney movie, everybody's parents are dead in those. I shook myself out of my daze, dammit, I must have some sort of attention disorder.

"Okay then, glad we could add to the family tree." I stated sarcastically, my head still reeling.

He sighed, "I have to go, I need to prepare for today's lesson."

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