Party Boy

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"I wouldn't be the first thing to die by your bullets, Yukio." I stated before sighing as I realized my cigarette was pretty much cashed. I heard him ramble on as I crushed the burning paper in my hand, tossing the crumpled remains onto the desk. Sato whistled behind me, but I paid him no mind. I cut Yukio off, "I'm not coming back tonight, just fuck off. I'm not gonna flip a switch on anyone, unless it's you, of course." I heard him argue but I hushed him, "goodnight Yukio." I said sourly, ending the call and dropping my phone to the desk.

I leaned back in the chair, rubbing my face. The bandages on my shoulder were pulling on my skin and it was really starting to annoy me. Sato hummed, "well, that was entertaining." I promptly flipped him off. "You're an interesting character, you know that?"

I huffed, "you're just realizing that now?" My phone buzzed and I was thinking about tossing it out the window. However, I decided against it, standing up and trying to calm down. I reached down a retrieve my shirt, becoming surprised when my shoulder didn't ache as I threw it on. Eiji was giving me the creepiest look and I shifted my gaze to Sato, his expression similar. I rolled my eyes, "you guys are fucking weird."

"You're one to talk," Eiji stated, "but I guess that just makes us all the same." I gave him a sideways glance.

"Is that your way of saying that you don't mind my presence?"

"Tch, prove yourself and I'll say the words out loud."

I groaned in frustration, "what is this "proving myself' shit? I'm getting sick of trying to decipher your little hints." I grabbed my phone off the desk and shoved it into my back pocket, surprised it hasn't buzzed again. We all stared at each other for what seemed like forever until we heard someone knock on the door.

"Open up." Shit, that was Yukio, he was hunting me down. I groaned quietly, turning on my heels and shoving the window wide open, climbing out.

"Rin!" Sato whispered frantically, but I was already outside. I gripped the frame and pulled myself upward, standing on top of the window with just the fronts of my shoes balancing me. I heard them open the door and Yukio's voice filled the room.

"Where is he?"

"Your brother? Haven't seen him since I left that dingy dorm of yours. Why? Did he escape off your leash?" I almost snickered at Sato's sarcasm, but I didn't dare ruin my hiding.

I heard footsteps approach the window and I freaked, grabbing the windowsill above me a skating the edge of the dorm a few rooms to the side. Good thing I did, because Yukio stuck his head out the window, looking to both sides and upward, just barely missing my figure dangling off the side of the building.

He turned back around, disappearing from my view. "You shouldn't be smoking in the dorms, clean this up or I'll report it."

"Pfft fine."

My ears twitched as I tried to hear the door close, but I couldn't quite tell. I suddenly heard muffled laughter and glanced back down to see Sato with his head out the window. "Eiji come see this fucker." His hipster looking ass popped his ugly face out and started cackling at me.

I rolled my eyes, assuming that it was safe. I swung myself across the windowsills, dropping down a floor and tip toeing across the frames until I got back to my destination. The boys ducked back inside as I swung back in like a monkey.

Sato cackled like an idiot, throwing an arm around my shoulder and ruffling my hair, "we are definitely keeping you, you're too damn weird to pass up."

I grunted, "great, I escaped one leash, only to be chained to another."

Eiji piped up, "being out pet is gonna be more fun than being your brother's."

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