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It was only around five o'clock when we returned to the academy. Yukio and I had grown increasingly silent as we drove closer and closer, and I knew the others caught on. They tried to joke and lighten the mood, but we were both incredibly nervous.

Mephisto motioned to the gatekeeper and we were let in, the drive inside was dead silent. You could hear a pin drop it was so quiet, and I was reminded of the night we were first told about our eventual stay at the institution.

Mephisto stopped the van and told us we could get out, my heart almost skipping a beat in the process. There were still multiple people roaming the campus, it was a Friday night and kids were getting ready to have some fun in town. I kept my eyes downcast as I walked to grab my bag from in back. I noticed Yukio was acting the same way and I felt a small bit of comfort that I wasn't alone during this. Sato and the others started walking toward Yukio's and my dormitory. However, the walk couldn't get any more agonizing.

I glanced up and saw multiple teens gawking at our little group. I felt my cheeks burn and I tried to hide myself behind Sato. He looked back and laughed, ruffling my hair. "Everything will be alright, they're just surprised that you're back. No one knew where you went or how long you'd be gone. It was only safe to assume that you'd be carted away to some psych ward for injuring yourself, but other than that, you guys are one big ball of mystery to everyone."

I was only slightly comforted by his words and I glanced back around to meet the shocked eyes of many of my classmates. God, going back to classes with them will be awkward as hell.

I felt my chest tighten, maybe I wasn't ready to go back to classes. What if I freaked out in front of everyone? Oh god, that would be humiliating... I felt someone touch my arm and I looked over to see Yukio giving me a concerned look. I swallowed and took a deep breath, now is not the time to have a panic attack, but then again, is there ever a good time?

I did my best to avoid eye contact with everyone while we had our walk of shame. Eiji spoke up for the first time that day, well, at least while I was around. "Sir Pheles asked us to collect your assignments," I assumed he meant Yukio's as well. "Man, you guys aren't going to be able to do anything this weekend. You've got stacks, it's fucking ridiculous." He seemed to think that was funny, however. That was typical Eiji behavior, though, always a bit of a sadist. I think he should see a psychiatrist, as well.

I chuckled humorlessly, "I suppose we won't be getting any pity from our teachers on that subject, won't we?" A few people chuckled and I cracked a small, genuine smile.

We approached the old building I had called home for the past few months, the sight of the decrepit structure was more comforting than I'd expected. All I wanted to do was go up to my room and lay in my old bed. Away from prying eyes and alone with my brother, that's all I needed.

No one stopped as we pushed open the dormitory door and made our way up the flights of stairs. Yukio and I glanced at each other a few times, something didn't seem right... everyone was acting weird. Like they knew something we didn't, and I didn't like that. As we moved toward our room, I think I figured it out.

There wasn't a door on our room.

Oh, I see how it is, we couldn't be trusted. So we weren't allowed any privacy. That's fucked up, even at a psych ward we were allowed our privacy. What good would taking our door off do? We were the only ones living in this building. I voiced as much, as well.

"Don't get mad at us, we only did as Sir Pheles told us to do." Kaiya seemed beside herself at the moment, she wanted to be a bitch, but I guess she didn't want to trigger us. Tch, we aren't that pathetic.

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