Unintentional Sabotage

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I spent the next few hours telling them my story, albeit a very chopped up story, but there was no way I could tell them I was the son of Satan. However, everyone knew of exorcists, so my dad's death by the hands of the Devil was an easy explanation.

"I still can't believe your brother shot you." Sato still looked extremely pissed, and I was about to explain the situation better, but Eiji cut me off.

"He killed your dad because he was the Paladin?" And he died because his body wasn't compatible?!" He always looked quite interested when I explained the gore of my story, which slightly creeped me out.

"That's the easiest way to put it."

Satoshi looked puzzled, his previous expression lost, "you said you're real dad was an asshole, but he sounds pretty cool."

I sighed, "Shiro was my adoptive father, it was easier to explain him as my step dad to you before. But no, my real dad is an asshole, trust me, you'd agree."

Kaiya leaned against her boyfriend, we had moved our conversation out into the living room not too long ago. I found out that this place belonged to Satoshi's drunken step dad, but he was never around, so the group claimed it as their own. "Why? What did he do to you?"

I hesitated, not really knowing how to answer. Oh, nothing drastic, he's just the reigning King of Gehenna who is literally hellbent on making me join him, and since I won't, he'll make my life hell. But like I said, no biggie. Yeah, right.

"Kaiya, let's not press things much more. Anyway, it's getting late, we should head back soon." Sato stated and I nodded, all of us rising to our feet.


The group bid me farewell at the gate, stating that their dorms were on the opposite side of campus. The frigid air licked at my skin as I walked back to my building under the dim twilight, my mind numb from the barrage of events over the passed twenty-four hours. I pushed open the front door and quietly treaded up to my room. When I opened the door, I was met face to face with the person I wanted to see the least.

"Rin! Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Where have you been?" He rushed forward and engulfed me in a hug. The familiar smell of his cologne soothed me for a moment, but then I remembered what he'd done and I pushed away from him. I sniffled, the cold outside had chilled me to the bone. Walking over to the closet, I stripped of my filthy uniform, I had no idea how I'd clean it in time to wear it tomorrow.

I heard a strangled noise from behind me and quickly flashed my eyes back, pausing when I saw Yukio's form. He was on his bed, knees to his chest as he stared at my bandaged torso, he opened his mouth but no words fell out. I sighed and pulled out a pair of pajamas. My hands were shaking as I pulled them on, I passed it off onto the cold weather.

I sat on my bed, pulling out my phone. I texted Stacey, asking what our literature and algebra homework was. I knew no one from my geography or biology classes, so I'd have to wing it and read ahead in the textbooks. She quickly answered back, but also asked why I had been missing. I simply stated that I had been sick and started to work on my homework.

About an hour later, I sighed, tilting my head to get rid of the kink in my neck. My head had begun to throb awhile back and it was growing to the point of being unbearable. Yukio had stayed in his pathetic posture the entire time, watching me like an absolute creep. I closed my textbook, I still had to read The Omen, but otherwise, I was done for the night. Pushing my supplies to the side, I stretched my body and groaned in annoyance. Fuck, my head hurts... I also noticed a slight ache in my back, I must be getting sick. After spending the night outside in the cold Japan air, it wouldn't be surprising.

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