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"Nii-san?" I glanced over to meet teal eyes, we were inside the car and on our way to our new hell. Mephisto had been silent the entire morning, not even saying hello when he woke us up. I'm still irritated with him, he was pretty much abandoning us. I sighed and waited for Yukio to finished his question. He gave me a peculiar look, "why are you so calm?"

I blinked in confusion, I wasn't calm, I was seething. "What do you mean?"

"You're just so... indifferent about all this. I don't know how you do it, 'cause I'm halfway to having a nervous breakdown over here." I did have to agree with that, he had been bouncing his legs incessantly ever since we got into the car, and I wouldn't doubt he was thinking about all of the 'what if's.'

I shrugged my shoulders, "I wouldn't go as far as to say that indifferent. Because trust me, I'm anxious too, you just can't see it. But, with everything that's happened in the past several months, I've come to expect this kind of shit to happen. I wouldn't even be surprised if I got struck by lightening sometime soon." I crossed my arms over my chest and gave a sour look in Mephisto's direction, he hadn't done anything, I was just being a little bitch.

Yukio hummed and I returned my gaze to him, my expression softening. He specifically wore a long sleeved shirt to cover his scars, and since he wasn't like me, he still had a few healing wounds. I wore a hoodie to cover my mistakes, but something just felt off about our situation. He was the one who had harmed himself the most, but I had been the one to accidentally reveal our secret. I had harmed myself recently, but my skin was clean and his wasn't. I felt bad, the people at this institution would probably judge him a lot harder.

"Nii-san?" His soft voice drew me out of my daydreaming. "Do you think they can help us?"

He reminded me so much of himself from several years ago. He was vulnerable and easily spooked, but his tentativeness wasn't something I liked though. I wanted my strong, quick-witted twin back, the one who accidentally shot me because I was getting too out of hand. Okay, maybe that was a bad example, but anything was better than the emotional mess he had become. I reached over and laid my hand on his shoulder, "I don't think anything they do will hurt us. They have probably seen cases like us before, it'll be a breeze for them, most likely." I immediately hated the phrase 'cases like us,' it just didn't seem right to generalize someone's problems into a simple job to fix.

My brunette brother chuckled humorlessly, "we aren't normal cases, Rin." He sighed and shifted in his seat, my hand falling from his shoulder. "You're a half demon and I'm the humanized son of Satan. I'm sure most asylums don't come equipped with tools to help people like us."

I flinched, "you know, they stopped calling them asylums a long time ago. They aren't going to strap us to a bed and pulse electricity through us." At least, I hope not.

"How do you know? You've never been to one before." He was getting nervous, and I sighed heavily, unsure what to do. He sighed as well and dropped the topic, turning to look out the window. I stared out the windshield at the road ahead of us, feeling a small knot form in my stomach. Like I told Yukio, I wasn't calm, he just couldn't see my anxiety. On the inside, as each mile passed, I grew more and more worried about the coming week.


We had pulled up to a large building, I had expected it to be painted white with a prison-like feel, but I guess I was overthinking it. It was painted beige and had multiple structures and outer decor, so it wasn't as stark as I thought. As we walked by a large flower bed, I saw Yukio glance at me, and when our eyes met, I knew he was just as surprised as I was. Trust me, it still looked like a medical center, but it wasn't as imposing as expected.

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