Pretty Little Psycho

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I was dreading my meet up with Stacey, I could barely sleep that night. I had even got up in the early morning just to knock on Yukio's door. I felt bad when he answered with a sleepy look on his face. He didn't seem to mind, however, I must have looked like shit. I told him everything that had happened that day, starting after I left his room last time. We talked for a little over an hour, and I was extremely grateful for his company.

Hours later, I woke up on edge, but at least I had gotten some sleep. I rolled off my bed and rubbed my tired eyes, then I glanced at the alarm clock. It was eleven in the morning, if I did move soon, I would miss the breakfast cart. Across the room, Hito was still sound asleep. He looked a lot more peaceful at night, albeit a bit silly with a drool mark on his face and pillow. I took the liberty to wake him up, laughing when he slapped at my hands and rolled over, mumbling something about needing more time. I sighed and told him I'd get him something, it wouldn't be much, but whatever.

I threw on a hoodie and shuffled my way out of the room. My hair was a mess and I was still in my pajama bottoms, but here, everyone gets used to seeing you at your worst, so morning breath wasn't really an issue.

Lazily making my way downstairs, I said hello to a few people I had become acquainted with. We weren't the best of friends, but it was nice to have people to talk to here, even if it was just to say hello. I greeted Elizabeth at the front desk as well, her and I got along really well. She was almost like a grandmother to me in a way, and I really appreciated that.

"Oh dear, you're a mess, child."

I chuckled, "bed head does that to someone, I promise I'll clean up after breakfast."

"Oh right, right, you better go on then, before they shut it down." I smiled and left, heading toward the cafeteria. They had already stopped serving hot breakfast, but I was lucky enough to grab some fruit and two granola bars. The lady scanned my wristband and I went on my way.


"I don't know..." I was sitting in Naomi's office, a little passed noon, and she was walking me through what would happen today.

"Do you not want to do this anymore? Because I can cancel it all." I shook my head furiously, I can do this, I was just nervous. She nodded and continued her explanation, "a nurse will be in the room, but I'll stay outside, that is, unless you want me in there...?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as someone is there, I don't care."

She nodded, "there is an hour time limit. After all, we are using your therapy session for this. Do you want a safe word?" I gave her a look, weren't safe words used during sex? She took note of my confused expression. "A safe word is just a signal that you want the activity to end."

"Well, I know that.."

"Then, what?"

"Like, don't you only use those in the bedroom?"

She just stared at me and I blushed deeply. She mumbled under her breath and I just barely caught it, "you're sixteen... my god." Shit if she was this shocked by that, she shouldn't look at my phone... I mean, nothing. She shook her head, her face going back to a professionally neutral expression. "Lets go, if you're ready." I nodded and stood up from my chair.

She led me through the hallways and up the familiar steps to the area I was yesterday. However, she took a left when I had originally taken a right. Eventually, we stopped in front of a door marked with a letter and then a number, signifying that it was used for group support. Well, we weren't much a group right now, oh well.

She knocked on the door and a woman answered, she was wearing nurse's scrubs, so it was obvious she'd be overseeing our little meet up. I felt my heart skip a beat, unsure if I truly wanted to do this. I recalled how Stacey had dug her nails into my arm yesterday and I shuddered. The woman ushered us in and I avoided eye contact with the figure sitting down on the other side of the room. Naomi and the nurse exchanged a few words, but eventually, my psychiatrist took her leave and left us alone.

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