Settling In

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After a few minutes, the door next to Naomi's office opened and a brunette teen exited. He looked up and when he spotted me, he smiled brightly. I was surprised to see such a positive expression on his face, but I didn't care, it was nice to see. He walked over and we both made our way down the hallways. "So, how was it?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"He's a cool guy, he reminds me of dad in a way, which is both sad and comforting at the same time. What about you? You got the girl." He jabbed at my side and I chuckled.

"You make it sound better than it really is, she's okay, I guess. But it's like she doesn't understand what a joke is, and I get that she's doing her job, but jeez, lighten up." He laughed and we passed by his room. "Hey, did he give you a diagnosis or something?"

He sighed, "yeah, I'm assuming she gave you one too" I nodded and he sighed again, pausing and leaning against the wall. "He said I have depression, but I don't know... I mean, I smile and laugh, I thought you had to be sad all the time in order to have depression."

I shrugged,"maybe it's mild depression? I don't know, I'm not a professional."

"What about you? What kind of fucked up have I been living with?" I smacked his arm and he laughed, but I didn't take any offense to it, I knew I was a pain in the ass.

"Oh, nothing big. Just an attention disorder." I decided to leave the anxiety and depression out of this, they'd only make him worry. And in a place like this, that's was the opposite of what we needed.

His brows furrowed, "really? Just that?" I nodded, "huh, " then he chuckled, "you've always been forgetful and a constant daydreamer, I'm not that surprised." I stuck my tongue out at him, if he knew I had been mentally 'off' from the start, why didn't he say anything? Well, I guess being impatient and dazing off isn't as bad as burning a hole in your skin.

We were silent for a few moments and I found myself thinking over the past few months, "I can't believe I actually hated you."

He nodded, "I can't believe I shot you."

I tsked, "I already told you, you're forgiven, it was a accident." He looked like he was about to argue but I gave him a pointed glare, so he kept quiet. "You know, if I had never stormed off that first day, we probably wouldn't be here. We would've talked through our argument, and I would have never gotten involved with Sato and the gang. We would've been there for each other instead of hating ourselves in private like a bunch of losers." I sighed and he gently pushed my shoulder.

"Hey, don't stress over the small shit, you'll over-work yourself, and that's another reason why we are here." He shoved himself off of the wall and began walking down the hall again, a small but sad smile on his lips. "So, let's do our best to get out."

I huffed and caught up to him, "that means we have to prove our sanity, doesn't it? But we aren't crazy to start off with, how the hell are we supposed to do that?" My foot skidded on the carpet and I wobbled forward, almost falling down.

"Did you just trip on nothing?" He laughed and I flipped him off. "Well, we aren't crazy, I'll agree with you on that." He sighed, "but we aren't exactly sane. Normal people don't lose their shit when things go wrong."

He was right about that, but I jabbed him in the ribs. "You already said that we weren't normal people, make up your mind. You're going to give me a migraine on our first day here if you don't." I didn't have to look to know that he had rolled his eyes, my humor always broke the tension in the air, and I had a feeling he appreciated that more than he let on. My snide comments could be crude and stated at the most inappropriate of times, but honestly, you can't be too serious in life, you'll give yourself an early heart attack if you are.

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