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Kobe patched me up pretty good, both my wrists were bandaged as well as the side of my neck that I had scratched at. I put my sweatshirt back on and stood up, questioning whether or not I was able to leave. I got my message when Kobe raised a hand, "you don't have a wristband, yet?"

Oh yeah, Emily said something about those. "No, why?"

He gestured to his computer, "normally, I would need to scan your band, just as protocol, but seeing as you don't have one..." I thought the wristbands were only for our meals and I voiced my thoughts out loud. "Oh no, they function as a necessity in this place. Think of it as one of those hospital bracelets you get, it has all your information on it. It lets us know how to help you, so we should probably get you one as soon as possible." He started walking out of the infirmary and I quickly followed after him, my shorter legs working harder to keep up.

The trek was quick, but we finally made it back to the lobby, where Kobe started talking to the receptionist. "How you doing, Elizabeth? I was curious if you could do something for me quick." She seemed like a nice elderly woman and she smiled up at him. "Rin Okumura hasn't received his wristband yet and I was hoping you could get him one."

She nodded and started typing on her keyboard, "you said Rin?" Well, Yukio probably needed his too, but that wasn't the point. Kobe nodded and she clicked away, a few pop ups appearing on her screen before she confirmed something. She pushed her office chair back and wheeled over to a printer, next to it were some cubicles. She grabbed an orange plastic strip from one of the cubbies and started pushing it around on the printer. Obviously, this wasn't your usual office machine, and I found myself fairly interested in the process. The orange strip had a white square on it and that was the area that she locked the printer's focus on. She clicked a button and I watch in amazement as black lettering appeared on the plastic, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Is it burning it?" I asked and Kobe chuckled at my expression, I probably looked like a little kid with his nose pressed to the glass of the candy shop.

"Well, normal ink would smudge after some friction, wouldn't it?" True, I guess a place like this would require some pretty advanced technology. The lettering stopped appearing and the woman grabbed the strip and asked for my wrist. She measured the circumference needed and snipped off the extra with some heavy duty scissors. Finally, she attached it around my wrist, the whole process was actually kinda long for a simple bracelet, but I didn't bother fussing over it. Kobe thanked her and turned to me, "you're pretty much set for now, you're roommate will probably fill you in on the rest. But just in case, you can always come to the front desk in case you don't understand anything, okay?"

I nodded and we both went our separate ways. I decided to take the stairs up to my room because I was getting sick of the elevator. The band around my wrist was pretty sturdy, and it definitely wouldn't come off without some major force, or some strong scissors like the receptionist had. I looked at the markings that had been burned into the white section; my name, birthday, assigned psychiatrist, and a barcode. It wasn't the flashiest piece of jewelry, but I'd have to get used to it, I guess.

Up on the third floor, I passed multiple people, and I mainly ignored them, but one person stood out. "Yukio," I stated and my twin turned his head to me, another boy had been talking to him and he glanced in my direction as well.

"Nii-san, where have you been?"

"I could say the same thing to you, but I've just been," probably shouldn't say at the infirmary, that'd be awkward, "settling in."

He didn't look convinced, "what's on your neck?" Oh fuck, I reached up and covered the bandage with my hand, a small blush on my cheeks. He grabbed my hand and pulled it away though.

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