You Know What Happens

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The next few weeks passed as smoothly as they could, I guess. I was receiving job notes in my locker every few days, and Yukio and I were still at each other's throats, to the point that he actually moved out of our room and lived a room over from me. Yeah, we could barely stand to sleep in the same room anymore. A lot more has happened, too;

Some blonde haired chick started at the cram school, from what I heard from the others, Yukio had picked her up on a mission or something. The three girls got severely hurt in the bathroom by some ghoul, and I had felt bad for not being there to help them. The brunette dropped cram school because of it, she seemed against it from the start anyway. Probably the worst thing that happened was that Dad's old familiar went completely berserk in front of the academy. The sad part was that no one could get him to calm down, so exorcists ended up killing him, such a shame, he was probably being misunderstood.

Now, the cram school and I were on some mission at an amusement park. Yukio partnered me with the blonde chick and sent us all in different directions. His students rarely obeyed him unless it was an order sent from someone higher up. I would've felt bad for him if I cared, which I didn't. The girl, Shiemi I think, was acting really weird, but I ignored her. She totally had a thing for Yukio, I'm surprised he hasn't tried to get in her pants yet. I didn't associate myself with girls like her, though.

She thought she heard something and suddenly started running away. I was about to follow her when I noticed something from the corner of my eye. A green haired bastard with pointed ears stood on top of the ferris wheel, the way he held himself made me believe that he wasn't of this world. I treaded toward him, cautious of his motions.

"Brother was lying, you don't seem very fun." He pounced down and landed on one of the metal bars. He walked across it like a tightrope and I started to get the feeling he was a kid at heart. He hopped down and tried to grab the koma sword from me, but I kicked him away. "That's not very nice, how else am I suppose to get you to play?"

I grunted, "I don't want to play, why are you here?" He grabbed my wrists and twisted them uncomfortably, I cried out and he let go. He just hummed at tried to grab at my sword again. "Fuck off, dude. Just let me do my job. Who even are you?"

He stepped back and curtsied, "I'm Amaimon, King of Earth."

I scoffed, "those are some pretty big words for a guy with a bowl cut." He didn't seemed fazed by my insult, he just came after me again. He landed a scratch on my face and I got angry. "I said fuck off!"

He tsked, "this isn't entertaining." He suddenly kicked me in the chest, the force of the blow causing me to fly back several feet and hit a nearby booth. I coughed as the wind was knocked out of me, his figure looming over me. He bent down and grabbed me by the collar, lifting me off my feet.

"You look funny, you're not as out of control as brother said. What a shame, I was hoping to play with you for a bit. Tamed animals aren't as fun as wild beasts."

My anger bubbled inside of me, but after weeks of controlling myself, I understood how to fight him. I reigned my animalistic side into a cage, but kept the hatred out for incentive. I felt my fists flame up and I sucker punched him in the face. He yelled in surprise and stumbled backward. I fell to the ground, but I immediately got to my feet. The longer you're on the ground, the easier it is to get hurt. The blue fire diminished from my palms and I stalked up to the green haired bastard.

He looked up at me, "Brother lied to me again, he said you wouldn't be able to control yourself!" He was starting to sound fairly upset, but I gave no fucks. I lifted my foot and kicked him in the mouth, using my demonic strength. He tumbled backward about ten feet before standing. "This ain't fun..." blue eyes stared at me for a moment, but then he turned, jumping onto the rides and out of view.

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