Lonesome Souls

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The next two days were boring, and I mean boring. I couldn't go anywhere, I had no friends, I had no homework to do, and there was only so much the dorm's wifi could handle before it would stop working. I spent most of my time holed up in my room, crunched up in a corner with my lighter. I would think about why I would burn myself, but I never really came to a conclusion. It wasn't like I was sad or anything, I wasn't even angry, the best word to describe my emotions would be confused, I guess.

The burns would take away that confusion, because if there was one thing I understood fully, it was pain. However, that didn't make it right to burn myself, it didn't solve any of my problems. It only marred my skin, if only for a short while. My demon regeneration would normally heal my wounds within the day, but I did have left over scars. That was a nuisance, because I had no idea how I'd explain them if someone were to find out. Tch, who would though? No one bothered with me, I could probably disappear and it would take awhile before someone would notice my absence. I wonder what everyone would do if I vanished, would they care? Probably not.

I sat in my bed, blowing smoke from my lungs. The full pack I had kept in my drawer was almost emptied in the past few days, I didn't want to think about what I'd do when I would run out, no need to add to my list of problems. I sighed and put out the cigarette on my arm, gritting my teeth and grunting.

Everyone was at school, probably glad I was gone, so I was alone in the dorm. I glanced around my dirty room and decided that I could fill my time with some cleaning. I made my bed, my eyes flashing over to the empty side of the room. I kinda wished that Yukio was still living with me, but then he would know of my abnormal behavior. It was for the best, I guess. I shoved my dirty laundry into the hamper and breathed out, feeling slightly victorious at my cleaned space. I picked up the hamper and made my way to the laundry room on the first floor. I tossed the clothes into the machines and sighed when I realized I was out of things to do.

I leaned against the wall for a moment, realizing that I could clean the kitchen. I shrugged and treaded across the wooden floor. I opened the door and grabbed my phone from my back pocket. I shuffled through my music for a few minutes, creating a playlist to suit my mood. I breathed deeply, trying to shake my sourness, and set my phone on a nearby table, familiar chords playing through. I tried to hum along as I wet a rag and started to wash the countertops.


About two hours passed and I realized that I hadn't switched the laundry. I had gotten carried away in the kitchen and could honestly say I would eat food off the floor in that room. I grabbed my phone and brought it across the building with me, whistling the melody. I shoved my damp clothes into the dryer and glanced up at the wall clock. Time had passed quickly, thank god, and it would only be another half hour before Yukio would return. I wondered if he had a mission tonight, he hadn't been keeping me up to date on his whereabouts, but then again, he didn't really talk to me at all.

I decided I'd do a load of his laundry for the hell of it, maybe he'd finally drop his bitterness toward me if I continued to do these chores. My muscles were aching from exhaustion as I walked up the steps, at least I got a good day's work done. I stopped in front of his room, biting my lip. Would he be mad if I 'invaded' his personal space? I shook my head, he wasn't like that, besides, he wouldn't hesitate to walk into my room, no matter his reason.

I pushed open the door and wasn't surprised when the room was already clean. I checked his hamper and realized that he had already done his laundry. I hummed, looking around the room, spotting his bed. I could change both of our sheets, it's been awhile since I put a new set on my own bed. Walking over to Yukio's bed, I came to the conclusion that his bedding was old as well. I pulled the blankets off and folded them on the floor. I did the same with the sheets and pillowcase but threw them into the hamper instead.

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