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"You know my brother?"

"You know him?!"

"I can't fucking believe this."

"Tell that fuckface that I still hate his guts."

"Hey! I can hear you! Shut the fuck up!"

Oh my god, someone is going to call the front desk pretty soon. I don't know what it'll be for, however, it could be the screaming, or if this continues, I may flip a switch.

"Can you both shut the fuck up?!"

Silence. Thank the fuck god.

I turned my phone onto speaker and set it on my nightstand. "Now talk like civilized people."

Hito looked extremely pissed, and I would've been scared of him, but I've seen his brother angry and I felt more sorry for Katsu and the others. The brunette huffed, "I can't believe you're acquaintances with him."

Sato was about to bitch, but I talked over him. "He goes to my school, and whatever beef you have with your brother has nothing to do with me." I sighed, "I, for one, think Sato is a great friend." Someone cooed over the phone and I just fucking knew it was Katsu, I had the urge to laugh, but I kept my face neutral.

Hito sighed, "fine, but don't expect me to talk to him."

"Dude, I don't even know why you hate me so much." I knew this was going to get ugly after he stated that. I think I'm the only one who understands both sides of this story, but I understood Hito a lot more.

"Fuck you, Nii-chan." I flinched at his sarcasm and informality. "You threw me to the side and became all buddy-buddy with HIM."

"Dad did nothing to you and you know it!" I feel like this was a private conversation and I was becoming uncomfortable with the situation. "You're fucking faking it because Dad liked me better than you." Oh, that's a low blow.

"Fuck you! That's not true!" My eyes shot up to meet his and I saw the beginnings of misty eyes appear. Hito was about to cry? Nope, I'm out, this is a conversation between two brothers, I didn't need any part in this. I quickly stood up and waved to Hito, but he didn't seem to care. I sighed and exited the room, hearing them start up again.

I took a deep breath and realized that I didn't have a shirt on. I gnawed on my lip and decided that I'd steal one from Yukio. I slowly treaded my way through the hallways, my mind racing over multiple different things. Primarily the Ito brother's relationship, in a way, Yukio and I used to be the same way. My fingers trailed up my bare chest and eventually lingered over a silvery scar on my shoulder. Even after months, the bullet wound still hurt, but not physically. I felt a pang in my chest when I thought about the wretched relationship I had shared with my only sibling.

Now, I stood in front of his door and knocked quietly. My ears twitched when I heard the sounds of a bed-frame squeaking and footsteps approach. I was immensely grateful when it was Yukio who opened the door and not his red headed friend. He looked me up and down and silently opened the door, letting me in.

His roommate wasn't even here, I wonder why. I walked over and sat on Yukio's bed and watched as he retrieved a shirt from the closet. He tossed it to me and I nodded in thanks. He sighed and sat on the mattress next to me, waiting as I tossed the shirt over my head. He hummed and I didn't need his words to know he was curious at my sudden appearance on his door step.

"Hito is on the phone with his brother, they are fighting. It got awkward in there."

He hummed again, "I didn't know he had a brother."

Brotherly Hatred | ✔️ | Blue ExorcistWhere stories live. Discover now