A Lit Flame

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"I told you, he was mad! It doesn't matter anyway, it was a mistake!" I quickly cut in, feeling my heart start to race. He turned to me with an expression of disbelief.

"Did you forgive him for what he did?" His red eyes were piercing and I actually was beginning to feel fear of him bubble inside me.

"I, uh, I mean, not completely, but, it was an accident. He feels horrible..." he ran his hands through his blue hair, a scar I hadn't noticed before was placed above his left eyebrow. Where had he gotten that from? From the looks of it, it had been deep.

Just then, I heard footsteps outside the door, my eyes widened and my heart raced as Yukio's frame entered the room. Satoshi turned to look at him, eyes burning as he traced over the exorcist's jacket and guns he had donned. My twin's teal eyes assessed the room before fixing me with a glare. "It's far past curfew, Rin. Who is this?"

Satoshi abruptly stood up, "none of your damn business, I'm leaving anyway." He started making his way out this door, smacking shoulders with the Yukio, whose eyes grew daunting. Sato was only an inch taller than him, but he was far more imposing and aggressive. The blue haired senior paused at the doorframe, "your brother may be idiotic enough to forgive you, but I'm not that naïve. You'll get what's coming to you Okumura, and I'll be there when you do."

Holy shit, he was nothing like I was used to. I scrambled to my feet, not sure if I should interject. However, Yukio seemed capable of handling the situation better than me, "Goodnight, don't let the door hit you on your way out." His tone was sour and Sato scoffed, walking down the hall and out of earshot.

Yukio slammed the door and turned to me, "What the fuck, Rin! Do you have any idea who that is?"

My fear dissolved into anger, "Don't treat me like a child, of course I know who that is. I don't just let strangers into my room, tch."

Yukio groaned heavily, pulling his jacket off and hanging it in the closet. "I don't have time for this, or the patience. Do as you please, but he doesn't set foot in this dorm, again. Better yet, cut all ties you have with him." He grabbed a pair of pajamas and started making his way to the bathroom.

"Hey! Who the hell are you to tell me who I can and can't be friends with? Piss off!"

He turned on his heels, shoving his finger in my direction, "Do you really think he is your friend? Maybe he was right about one thing, Rin, you're naïve. Idiotically so." I clenched my fists, feeling my anger growing. He stepped into the bathroom, giving me a sideways glance before shutting the door. "Trust me, Rin."

I grabbed my textbook off the ground and threw it at the closed door, the loud thud shaking it at the hinges. "Fuck you!" I walked over to the locked door and starting hammering my fist against it. "Trust you?! You've given me every reason to do the exact opposite! The last time I checked, Sato didn't betray me! And he doesn't harbor hatred for me for the death of Dad, which wasn't my fault!!" I grabbed the doorknob and fiercely shook it back and forth, "don't run away from this, Yukio! Stop being a bitch and open the door! Dad would be ashamed of your actions right now!"

The door flew open and Yukio's fist slammed into my jaw, causing me to stumble. "Don't you fucking dare bring Dad into this again! He's been rolling in his grave constantly with how often you use him to get your way!" I shoved him backward, tossing him to the floor and sitting on top of his stomach, grabbing a fistful of his shirt

"I am not using Dad! It's the fucking truth! You've been a complete dick since he died! Do you really think he would be proud of that?!" He shoved me off of him and I yelped when the back of my head hit the sink. He took advantage of the moment and shoved me against the wall, pinning an arm against my throat and getting close to my face.

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