Tomodachi 友達

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Hito and I got along quite well, considering he seemed to be a complete psychopath. I really didn't care though, he was different from other people, and I didn't mean that in a cliché way, he was literally different than the others. The dude laughed at the most fucked up things and he didn't really care if he offended people, he was almost like an extreme version of myself.

"What are you in here for? Did you fuck some kid's face up or something?" He asked casually, a diabolical glint in his eye.

"Nah, I fucked myself up." I made an over-exaggerated slicing motion over my wrist and he raised an eyebrow, amused.

"Really? I always thought that the weak did that, you stand out as the type to get angry easily, not sad." He obviously didn't understand the idea behind self harm, you don't have to be weak or sad to do it, all you need is the desire to distract yourself, well, and I bit of desperation.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I still get into my fair share of fights because of my temper, but what about you, why are you here? Did you seriously kill someone's dog in a death battle?" I chuckled, but I was only half joking. For some reason, I could see him hashing it out with beasts just for fun.

He shrugged as well, "I've apparently got behavioral problems and antisocial personality disorder."

"What the hell is that?"

He turned his stony eyes toward me, "ever hear of sociopaths?" Holy fucking shit, he was joking, he's a sociopath? Wait, no, I'm thinking of a psychopath, which one was more dangerous? He saw my expression and assumed what I was thinking. "Dude, I'm not going to mass murder a bunch of people. I'm a mild case, I barely meet the criteria for the disorder, and as the years go by, I'm becoming more 'normal.'"

"Years? Christ, how long have you lived with this?" I glanced around the room and realized that people have started to clear out, most of them taking the elevators or the stairs up to different floors. Some chatted with their friends as they walked out into the courtyard or to other parts of the building. "Shit, is something going on?"

Hito laughed, "you're new, so you wouldn't know. Group therapy got out not too long ago, we all have free time on our hands until around dinner time." He stood from the couch and stretched, "as for how long I've lived like this... eh, six years or so? My dad used to beat me a lot and I suffered some brain trauma a few times, the quacks here think that has a lot to do with it." I felt extremely apologetic, but I kept my lips zipped, I had a feeling he didn't like pity.

I stood from the couch as well and took another glance around, "so... what now?" I realized that Yukio was missing, and I hadn't seen him in awhile, "huh, my brother's gone."

I had mainly said it to myself, but Hito answered me anyway. "You have a brother?"

I nodded, "we're twins, but I'm the oldest. He's the smartest, though," I laughed, a small smile on my face. I returned my gaze to the brown haired boy, now that we were both standing I realized that we were the exact same height. About damn time I wasn't the shortest one around. My musing was cut short when I noticed his peculiar expression. "What?"

His brows were furrowed, "do you like your brother?"

What kind of question was that? "I mean, he's my only brother and he's the last of my family." He rose an eyebrow, but I waved my hand before he could say anything. "Long story short, my mom died giving birth to us and my dad died at work."

"Police officer?" I shook my head, "government worker?" Ha, I guess you could say that, I nodded. His eyes shined for a moment but I couldn't figure out why. "Anyway, how can you get along with your brother? I can't even stand mine." I didn't know he had one, but then again, we just met, there was a lot about him I didn't know.

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