Bonus: Help

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All bonus chapters take place at different times and do not have any connection to each other.

I have never seen Kat so angry at me, but that fact didn't keep me from arguing back at him. "You're completely overreacting, you know that?"

His eyes flashed, "no I'm not, you have no sense of self preservation, and that fucking scares me." He sighed, running his hands through his hair and turning on his heels. I watched as he went over to my dorm room window and stared at the scenery.

"That's part of my job, Kat."

"No it's not! Your job is to protect people, not be a fucking martyr and get yourself killed." I ground my teeth, walking up beside him and placing my good hand on his shoulder. "I know your mom-"

He slapped my hand away, anger shining in his eyes when he turned to me. "Don't even dare bringing my mother into this."

I took a step back, noticing the shift in his irises, a shift I knew too well from my own. "Calm down, Kat... I'm sorry I said that, okay?"

"Is that all you're sorry about?" He sneered, crossing his arms over his chest. Normally, I would've found his feisty attitude sexy, especially considering that he was wearing a tank top and his tattoo was showing. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck, irritation starting to chew through my resolve.

"It's my job-"

He stepped forward and grasped my right arm, causing me to yelp. "This isn't your job, Rin! Fucking stop it!" His jaw set, "this is the third time this month that you've been hurt while on a mission."

I shook my head, trying to gently pulls my arm from his grasp. "That first one was just minor scrapes, and head wounds bleed a lot."

"Oh yeah? Even so, the next time you came home, you had a broken rib." He unlatched his fingers on me and I held my poor limb to my chest, coddling it.

"Things like this happen, Kat."

He rolled his eyes, "whatever, if you're going to pretend that this," he waved casually toward my broken arm, "is okay, then so will I. Get your brother to fix you up, see how he overreacts when he finds out you kept it from him." He turned toward the door and I walked after him.

"Kat, don't do this, it's just a broken arm. Why are we even fighting?" He slammed the door behind him and I flinched, "you're as emotional as a girl, for fucks sake." Of course, is said that quietly, because I didn't need Katsu full wrath, not now.

Glancing down at my battered limb, I sighed. I knew I'd have to tell Yukio eventually, I didn't even know why I'd hidden it from him in the first place. It'd just happened today, and he was with me. I shook my head, sometimes I didn't think things through, and that got me into a lot more trouble.

I sat down on my bed, fixing my hoodie sleeves to cover both of my wrists. My eyes traced over the small, silver lines and spots as they disappeared, my teeth grinding. I hated them so fucking much. I just wanted to be a normal teenager, arguing with his boyfriend over trivial shit. I'm fucking far from normal, though. Hell, some people would say that me, a boy, with a boyfriend, wouldn't be normal either. Fuck the haters, though, he understood me better than anyone else I knew, except Yukio.

And the sex was fucking fantastic.

I rolled my eyes to myself, I don't think I'd be getting any of that for awhile, now. I pulled my phone out, struggling with my left hand to do so, and sent Kat a message. After a few minutes, I figured that I wouldn't be getting an answer.

"Rin, are you okay?" Ah, a voice I always loved hearing. I turned my head to Kuro, his two-tailed ass always made me feel better.

I shook my head and he took a few steps closer, jumping onto my bed with me. "How pissed do you think Yukio will be when I tell him I broke my arm?"

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