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After the pleasantries were exchanged, it was made clear that Shiemi and Izumo would be staying on the floor below us. You know, because the need for gender segregation. Not that I planned on banging either of them, they weren't my type. Back to the sleeping arrangements; the boys would be staying right across the hall. Thankfully, no one mentioned the desire to split the two of us apart like we had been at the institute. I would've thrown a fit if that were the case.

I was still pissed off that were weren't allowed our privacy. I wasn't planning on trying anything stupid, but it seemed disrespectful to just take the door to our room. It just shows how much people trusted us here, but maybe they had a valid reason. You know, beside the previous self harm.

"I'll be next door from now on," Shura stated from her position leaning against the doorframe. "You got any questions?"

I cleared my throat, "When do I get my sword back?"

She laughed, "kid, you ain't getting that thing back for a long time. You've proven to be self destructive around blades, who in their right mind would give you a double edged weapon like that?" I wanted to point out that cutting wasn't my preferred method of injury, but I figured that would end badly on my part.

I huffed, folding my arms over my chest. "Fine, keep it for now." My mood was still sour, so when I turned my gaze to my classmates, I didn't bother with appearing kind. "You guys plan on being assholes? Cuz I'm not afraid to kick some ass if I have to."

A few kids shook their heads while Suguro and the purple haired bitch rolled their eyes. I huffed and turned my back to them, deciding that my homework was more important at the moment. Yukio asked something about his teaching career, but it was a subject that really didn't involve me, so I moved onto figuring out my geography homework.


This new living condition was slightly awkward, to say the least. Not only was our door missing, but the boys refused to close their own, making it clear that we had absolutely no privacy. I would sometimes catch one of the three of them watching us periodically, which irked me. Yukio and I were just about to finish our homework, so we weren't doing anything interesting, anyway.

After a few more minutes, I sighed and closed my textbook. Yukio had finished up not too long ago and was casually scrolling through his phone while perched on his bed. I shuffled on my knees over by him, he glanced at me and shut off his phone. "What's up?"

I shrugged and placed my chin on top of his mattress. My tail had unraveled from under my shirt and was thumping impatiently on the hardwood floor. "I'm bored."

He hummed, "I can tell. Why don't you text one of your friends?"

I sighed, bringing out my phone, but I grunted in annoyance. "I don't wanna just sit here and stare at my phone for an hour or two.. I wanna do something fun." Huffing, I looked at the time. It was a Friday night, so curfew wasn't until later. "Maybe I'll go hang out with Katsu or something." I quickly sent said boy a text asking if he was free, and I smiled brightly when he answered back that he was. I got to my feet and looked out to see Koneko watching us, I made it a point to say my next words louder than usual. "'Kay, well, I'm off. I won't be back until a lot later."

Yukio snickered under his breath and bid me farewell. Koneko smiled when I entered the hallway, "have fun!" Was that supposed to be a joke? I scrutinized him and came to the conclusion that he was actually being sincere. I thanked him sheepishly before making my way down stairs. I hadn't expected any of the students to be nice. That possibility never really occurred to me. Maybe they were genuinely caring for us... weird.

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