The Vampyr Party - Part 1

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Song of the Chapter: Backstreet boys - Everybody (Andy Cane remix)

The Vampyr Party Part 1

"King says, King does.~

Selene POV (Moon Goddess)

Both of their bodies fell through the door of my Kingdom, like the leaves of autumn eager to reach the ground beneath.

"SELENE!" Nemesis yelled in her hoarse voice. The pitch black hair fell in soft curls and the dark blue eyes showed concern.

"What has occurred?" I questioned calmly as the God of Jealousy and Nemesis paused in front of me, looking at each other, their figures fidgeting in nervousness.

"Connor," They mentioned the name and I raised an eyebrow.

"The werewolf boy?" I asked, but they shook their heads and Nemesis looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"Try the I'm your worst nightmare" Phthonus exclaimed, rubbing his hanging eye bags in circles.

That pale skin of his made him less god-like, I thought.

"Explain," I demanded and waited, but they once again exchanged the foreign looks, as if debating who would inform me of the news.

"My patience is running thin," I reminded them, before Nemesis stood from the floor, her lips trembling.

"Ambrogio." She whispered, earning a bitter chill to crawl under my spine. Curling my fingers around the harsh wood of my throne, I rose from the seat. "He turned Connor into a vampyr. I have evidence on my neck," Nemesis pointed to the two marks just under the pulmonary artery.

I hardened my gaze. "That is not possible!" I gasped, leaning closer to examine her state. "It clearly is if he turned up at her doorstep, oh and he wasn't alone," Phthonus informed me and I suppressd a growl.

"Two possessed vampyrs were accompanying him, I'm sure men of Amborgio." Nemesis said staring somewhere off in the distance.

"And how would you know that?" I pondered to find the deity shaking her head.

"They both had the same symbol tattooed on their left shoulder. The black raven with red eyes," She stated, and I nod my head, "Seems like him."

"What I don't understand is why would he turn Connor and how? It is not possible to be both. Hybrids do not exist," I told them, but Nemesis shook her head.

"Connor was a messenger. Ambrogoi says hi. That was addressed to you apparently," Well that explains it.
After so many years of him classed as lost he was clearly anything but lost.

"I thought Ambrogoi was the first ever vampyr created?" Phthonus called out bringing our attention to the God of Jealousy.

"He is," Nemesis responded but Phthonus wanted to know more. "So what's the deal, huh? What's so special about him the spikes up your hots for him?" The blonde-head gazed at me, his green eyes penetrating my face.

I don't respond, slightly not wanting to. But Phthonus was involved so I couldn't keep this information hidden.

"Ambrogoi was my first love."

Alexia's POV

What can I say? I was back at the dark mansion of the Mr Stupid CEO. I have slept through most of the flight and felt even more jet lagged after arriving, so I have taken an extra day than everyone else to sleep my head off.

The Werewolf CEO 1 of The CEO SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now