Chapter 39 A Goddess Comes, A Goddess Goes

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Rapture The Final Battle By: LadyDawn

2014 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 39 A Goddess Comes, A Goddess Goes

'Mother! Mother your back! Oh my. I missed you so much!' I jumped off the couch before mother and spun to face her, pulling her hands to help her to her feet. 'You were gone for so long. Goddess Mother told me where you went, so, I sat with you waiting, reading. Mother, what is wrong you are not talking? Speak to me please.' She slowly turned her head in my direction. 'Diana?' I heard her question. 'Yes, Mother. It is I your daughter, Diana.' A slow smile graced her lips. 'I am home?' 'Yes, Mother. You are back home with me.' I replied. Her smile broadened. “Diana, Honey! I missed you so while I was away!' Tears were streaming down her angelic face she was glowing a greenish blue glow about her. 'Mother this is something new for you, your glowing. A green, blue now,' So I see, Honey.' 'It looks beautiful, the glow, I mean, it reminds me of Mother in Heaven. This must mean you have fully transitioned,' 'Yes. I have, Diana. Soon it will be your turn with your other Mother. Did she not tell you?' 'No. I have been under a lot of stress watching over your body making sure it was okay, and protected you here while you were gone for the last three weeks. We were afraid to move your body. I sat here the whole time with you just in case you came back to us, and it finally happened, today. I am so happy you are okay.'

The others come in while we are talking to check in and found us, Mother and I talking quietly. “Valia... OH MY Goddess! That is no longer Valia. That is... The Goddess herself. She glows! Forgive me My Goddess my liberties.” Bavo dropped to his knees before both of us, he bowed. A musical voice rang out. “Rise my son all is forgiven.” 'Mother you spoke, but your lips never moved?' 'Yes my daughter as it should be, it shall be for you as well.' I heard in my head. She laid her hand aside my head...

Goddess of the Earth * Drifting Through Time & Space *

“My children we wait for my daughters return,” I carried her body to our room, and laid her out on the bed provided, it would be the last time it would ever be used. “She will be with her Mother of the Moon for three week time then we will go in search for the ones you call the demons. When we find them you will come and through us you will destroy them to save your kind and protect the weak humans from harm.” I have learned a lot on my Vision Quest with the original ones The four taught me all they knew of their kind and their planet. I will have none of that here on my planet; on my Earth. I learned all about the experiments that grew the demon kind, and the ones that got away and how fast they breed. Startling, just isn't the right word for it. When they first arrived they carved out an underground caverns millions of miles wide all over this earth that was the very first colony before they were able to colonize the surface. This is where they believe the demons are currently colonizing and building their armies. It is up to, Diana and I to find them and destroy them if possible with the help of the family. This is the true end of the world if not, and the true final battle for their kind. The supernaturals.

While I wait for Diana to get back I drift down through the floor, through the training room scaring, Lady Gaia as I keep right on passing by, down through that floor also into the ground below into the crust of the Earth. I am one with the Earth right now. As I pass through the tough crust it becomes a bit easier once I enter the Lithosphere, though not much. It isn't completely easy till I hit the Lower Mantle where the caverns are supposed to be at. The section I drop into is massive to say the least, it is hot and humid down here so deep underground though. I have no need to breath, it is still uncomfortable gliding around in such an unusual place as this—all dark and gloomy—Mother Earth calls out to me as I touch her walls. “Yes Mother I hear you” I follow her directions in the cavern ducking under mighty stalactites, and over stalagmites of all sizes; they are so beautiful even in the darken environment of this cavern so deep underground. I follow this cavern, for I have no idea with the dark as my only guide. I have lost all track of time, and were fatigue is no longer a problem I just continue to travel the myriad of caverns in search of anything that will lead to the Demon's cave.

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