Chapter 20 Where Is The Baby? Valia, Valia Wake Up!

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Rapture The Final Battle By: LadyDawn

2014 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 20 Where Is The Baby? Valia, Valia Wake Up!

I woke early in the morning, Wilda was there reading a book sitting by the side of the window, her shadowy outline was illuminated by the glow of the moon's radiant glow shining in threw the window behind her. I lay there watching her quietly so as not to disturb her, it is not often I get to see Wilda being totally relaxed and not running around taking care of one of us, or picking up something we may have left behind. When I notice her start to look up I close my eyes, but there is no fooling Wilda, I hear her place her book down on the table then her chair scoot back on the wood floors as she stood up, and her heels click clack as she walked across the floor to come to check on me.

“Good morning sweetie you slept well last night I see. The baby must have been very calm for a change. May I check on her please?” Wilda asked. I opened my eyes and smiled wide.

“Morning, Wilda, Yes I did sleep good, sure go right ahead and check.” I pulled down the covers and lifted my nightgown so she could get to my baby bump, I am getting so big I mused. “Can we be quick I do have to go, the baby is really pressing on my bladder this morning.” Wilda helped me up and walked me the few steps to the bathroom so I could go potty, then I took a quick shower with her help. When I was finished I put on a pretty pink nightgown and got back into bed. Again. “Thanks for the help. I feel so much better. Cleaner.” I really did too.

“My pleasure sweetie. Can I get you something to eat while I go get you your morning blood?” She asked.

“Yes I am a bit hungry just some bacon and sausage would be nice oh and eggs with cheese that should keep the baby happy,” by now I know what it takes to keep my little one happy in the morning. Meat, meat, and cheeses, the eggs are for me.

“OK. I will be right back soon, you rest for now I won't be long. Now stay in bed till I get back.” I nodded my head then got comfortable and propped a couple of my pillows behind my head so I could watch some early morning TV. Wilda came back thirty minutes later with my sister, Icka carrying my tray of food and my large glass of Royal Blood. Yum. When they brought the tray close enough for me to reach I went right for the glass, first thing. It is like a drug, Royal Blood, to us vampires, it is also delicious. “Look who I found down in the cafeteria while I was getting your food.” I was just finishing gulping down the last of my blood.

“Yum, that was so good. Sorry. Hi there Icka, the baby was thirsty I had to feed the beast. Giggle. Burp. Oh My. Excuse me.” How embarrassing.

Icka started laughing along with Wilda, when they stopped, Icka sat on the bed beside me. “Is it OK? You know? To sit beside you, or will a nurse come in and chase me out again?” She asked. The worried look on her face spoke volumes.

“Don't worry about anything sis you come and go anytime you feel like it that nurse was way out of line. She has been dealt with it won't happen again. I have no visiting hours nor restrictions on who or when anyone can come see me. So, if you are up drop by I would love for you to see me even if I am sleeping.” She has no idea how true that is.

“Phew. I was worried she would come back and see me sitting here and kick me out again. I though I did something wrong last night the way she acted. I almost went to see our grandmother to ask for permission to come back to see you again.” Wow, she was upset I may have to do something about that nurse after all.

“I wish I had known sis I would have had Wilda go get you and bring you right back here. Though I did end up drifting off to sleep right after you left. Still, I would have loved to see you again to tell you I only have till tomorrow till my little one is due. Isn't that wonderful!” I gushed out for her sake.

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