Chapter 38 They Returned to Ravenwood

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Rapture The Final Battle By: LadyDawn

2014 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 38 They Returned to Ravenwood

Seven Week later

Seven long drawn out weeks—that was the duration of time it took to filter through all the wolves in the world, to weed out all the bad ones—now it is time to get down to business back home at Ravenwood. The Deciders are tired of being at the prison camp; eating, sleeping and working there—they are ready to get back home to their own nice warm beds and some of Maria's great cooking—it is long over due. On this, the last day, they finish up and close the camp for the time being, then all huddle together, Goddess Valia flashes them all back to the manor as only she can do these days. They land in the sitting room of the manor all healed, healthy, happy to be home and ready for a nice warm meal.

“Welcome back. Dinner will be served in a few minutes if you all care to go get cleaned up.” Maria walked back out of the sitting room to finish cooking.

“Yeah, a home cooked meal.” They all yelled, and flashed on up to their own separate rooms leaving Diana and I here alone in the sitting room.

'Well, Diana. I guess that just leaves you and I. Shall we head on up to our room for a change of clothes, and meet them back down here?' 'Sure mother why not.' We both ghosted up to our room materializing in the center like always—except it was an empty room. The four walls were bare, and all our things were gone. 'I think we were robed while we were gone,' stunned we both spun around in a big circle. 'It sure look like it,' Right about then a knock played upon the door, it was Wilda. 'Enter, Wilda' I mind sent.

“Your back. My Goddess, Welcome. I had hoped to meet you when you arrived. I am so sorry I wasn't there to greet you both.' She stood up after blessing herself in our presence.

'Wilda! Not you too! Come on, you of all people! Really! You were the one to breast feed me and raised me for Goddess' sake. I will have none of this from you do you hear me?' I stressed.

“Yes. My Goddess, But...” she left it hanging. 'But what? Out with it, Wilda, or do I have to mind read you too?' That was one thing I really didn't want to have to do. “Well... um...” 'SHE DID WHAT?' I mind screamed. I think it went out to everyone in the manor. 'How dare she!' 'Mother. She is their Queen she can order them to do anything she wants them to! You have no say over her people. Not really.' 'Sigh, I guess I really don't, but this is really underhanded of her. I have half a mind to ghost right over there and give her a piece of my mind, but it would most likely be a waste of time.' 'Yes it would, mother.' “Are you two talking to each other?” Wilda asked. 'yes we are discussing this little problem between each other. Why?' “Oh mo reason, it was just the facial expression that gave it away. Again.” She gave a little chuckle. “So, if you are wondering where your room went, My Goddess' right this way,”

We were led back down stairs to the hallway then took a right to the end then took another right into what used to be the Grand Ballroom that had been converted into two massively long room one a conference room the other the Queen and Kings bedroom. Wilda opened the Queen's bedroom door, and all our things had been placed where the Queen had originally had her things. I had to admit it was breathtaking to look at with all our colors intermingled throughout the room; it was interesting how well they worked together. Someone did a great job redecorating the entire room with two king sized canopy beds almost side by side, and that wall of Mahogany built-ins for all our clothes so deep dark it was stunning. 'Wilda? Why did they do all this? What purpose does it serve? Our old room was perfectly fine,' I told her.

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